
4 replies

(p.s. i got your mail about stopping spammming). i promise i won't make stupid threads) i ; ve sent you a reply

okee dokke Dont worry Dc i wont

edited 1×, last 20.01.07 04:03:56 pm
Admin/mod comment
skiper: I already said this. you are just repeating everything that has already been said before. I've noticed this several times. that is not necessary. its nonsense and spam which is bad for a forum. please do not do this! skiper has written
ask robin by email silent control
okee dokke Dont worry Dc i wont

okee dokke Dont worry Dc i wont

Sthis stupid Thread should be closed/censored!
Like mostly all the trash

Admin/mod comment
this post was not necessary at all
there is no rule that trash has to be closed. but I'm forced to do this as long as idiots abuse unclosed threads for spam shit.