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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

That there is a public and private chat that I know there is no privacy and security to block unwanted people could communicate better and have more ease in contacting others

Thanks for reading this and if someone had already opted the same sorry

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

@user LireyGAMER: something like that has been created already.

There's the Discord server (search cs2d discord on the search function)

And there's the IRC chat which quite frankly gives me the shakes whenever I look into it's layout
(Search IRC Chat on the search function)

That's all I believe.

old save the comment text

User Off Offline

As I noticed, when you are going to check the content of a zip file with a click on the magnifying glass button, you will loose the whole text you've already written before. Same already happened me multiple times, especially when I used to do a longer critism comment. It has been also happened in other case but I cant remember them right now. So it would be nice if the side saves what you already wrote, even if you use that button.


old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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Starkkz has written
@user DC: isn't there any possibility that every login into game servers could be added as a log on the user profile? This would possibly be a important evidence when a moderator requires to ban a player.

It would be a list of the servers that the user has joined to, when and what was his IP address, the IP address of the server for that session.

ZxC has written
I fully support user Starkkz's idea. Some users could abuse thread cs2d Official Statement On Hacks and if the video faking really becomes a problem we can check if the player surely joined the server specific as in the video report. This would save us from lots of confusions and incidents

@user DC: Will you implement this? I also agree with his/their idea.

On other note, I'd like to see a "like" button for posts/threads, sometimes I agree with someone's opinion/thread but making a whole post just to say that is fricking pointless.
Have a good day.

EDIT: See? Masea posted something and I agree with it but making a post just to say that is useless.
edited 2×, last 08.06.17 12:20:03 am

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline

I don't know if this has been suggested already but do you have any chance to add the possibility that makes us enable to post comments to people's profile as similar as Steam? That'd be nice I guess.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Talented Doge: "Simply" isn't a part of the usual user vocabulary here. If this happens we'll just get threads with people whining.

Who even uses such a feature anyway? What is it even for?

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline

@user GeoB99 & @user Yates: And of course, the blocked users won't be able to write comments on our profiles √

Everything doesn't have to be really needed, user Yates. If there wasn't a
emoticon and if I'd have asked for this, you'd go and say like this over again.

Who uses this feature? I knew that someone of you is going to ask this and thus I've said Steam as an example. A lot of people are using this feature in Steam. And why the fuck not at us?

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Masea: Aye and we didn't have a heart emoticon but we got one when we asked for it

Honestly the feature on Steam doesn't have any purpose either. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should spend time doing it. Note that DC will still have to code all of this and I don't think he'd want to do things for Unreal Software unless absolutely necessary (or a really good idea - like the heart emoticon 10/10 one love no woman no cry).

thread trash Do you want :love:?

I can't remember what I meant with :arrows: but maybe we got those too that day > < 'twas a gut day.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline

user Yates has written
@user Masea: Aye and we didn't have a heart emoticon but we got one when we asked for it
As you can see there, user Rainoth saw no need for that as pretty much like you just did. Moreover, the heart emoticon is all over the social net, this might be the thing why user DC added that.

user Yates has written
Note that DC will still have to code all of this and I don't think he'd want to do things for Unreal Software unless absolutely necessary (or a really good idea - like the heart emoticon 10/10 one love no woman no cry).
There is no rule like you should post absolutely necessary ideas in the first post, so I don't care if that'll be done or not. I only specified my idea. By the way, if it hasn't any purpose for you, it doesn't mean it does not for others.

People use it, so it is an enough thing to do something like that.

Let's handle Valve who made the skins for TF2/CS:GO, was there any need of them(don't tell me "yes, they were going to win amounts of money" because they didn't know)? There wasn't. But probably someone asked for that and then somebody found this idea fine so they implemented that feature in the game. And guess what now? They see everyone uses it!

Do not take a dim view that much.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Masea: Hey I'm not saying it's a shit idea or anything like that I'm just questioning the use of it here. It's an idea thread, maybe someone will come along and tweak a few things and it may be the greatest feature idea ever. Who knows.

But Valve has more resources than any of us here to simply find out whether weapon skins were a good idea. Also note that that is totally not a new idea, it's been around for years and years and Valve was not the first to think of it.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline

@user Yates: As I said already, a lot of people use it in Steam, so won't you think there'd be a lot of people who would be going to use that feature at here? This discussion is over, my god.
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