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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site


@user Yates: it's bit confusing if our old names still saved and displayed in profile view, sometimes we wrote a unusual word in our name.

I suggest USGN to only save about to 3 old names, trust me it won't be that confusing, at least someone will remember one of our name.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

@user Mami Tomoe: lol i was able to recognize you from the 112212343213 name, ur first post was a long israeli propaganda text or something like that not sure, but no judgment I have some shitty posts too
@user Baloon: Pablo55072 Farmer

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Mami Tomoe: Whenever I want to find this person: user Mechanolith I always search for "old names joaopcvcastro" and it's always the second search result.

To me your first name will always be the only one. It's not Majatek(a). It's RamboFox.

Edit: For trusted users, please add a notice box (choice between the default yellow & red colours) which will be displayed above the actual file section. These can be used for bigger projects which can display notices or warnings about the file (for ex. broken things, dependencies etc.)

This is better than a box separated by
(sometimes even emoticons)
edited 2×, last 13.09.16 04:08:36 pm

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

From what I know Xfire doesn't exist anymore but we are still able to set link to profile in account settings. I have an idea. You can replace Xfire with GitHub. What do you think?

BTW The inline tag looks better without green border in my opinion.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

Merge threads for moderators. It happens a lot that many people create duplicate threads, often once a user has noticed there is already an existing one they don't care and happily posts along in the new thread which is eventually closed. There is nothing wrong with the current process, users are either new, don't know their way around or cannot be bothered to search - no worries, it gets closed anyway.

The problem is that most of the time after these threads are closed the original thread gains no activity even though the new one did. I suggest duplicate thread posts be able to be merged with the original so that the original thread appears in the recent posts and the duplicate simply ceases to exist.

I assume all posts are linked to a thread in the database, simply linking them to another thread would suffice. No need to select each post individually, merge the whole thing and add a notice to the original post in the duplicate that it was merged.

Hopefully this will keep activity on the topic alive and keep activity on the whole forum alive just that little bit longer.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Skip advanced message check for img/bigimg and similar tags when the post sizes are not exceeded, so it's possible to attach small images and graphics via base64-encoding without uploading them to unreliable image hosters:

old Group Creation in the profil files

User Off Offline

A possibility to create groups for your file on your profil side. For example I could create a group which is named "Remakes". To this group I could add the specific map files, then they're sorted like in a diffrent way.



old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Remove possibility to edit old replies in posts. And/or at least make it impossible to edit them in files which not allow comments.

Before he edit this reply it was okay. And most his edited replies.

old Intermediary warning sign on file download

User Off Offline

On a file's download page, an alert shows up either saying the file is safe for being uploaded by unrealsoftware, or risky because it was user-uploaded (like this:)IMG:

How about an intermediary, probably yellow-tinted text for saying "This file has been uploaded by a user. It might be dangerous, however it has been reviewed and approved by a staff member"

By the way, isn't "an user" the correct spelling?

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user YuriNikolai:
Reviewing the file only checks the "outside" of the actual content. We don't download each file and test it to see if it's safe for your computer so it makes no sense to mark it differently.
"A user" is correct because you pronounce the word "user" with a "y" which in many cases is treated as a consonant.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

We've had this discussion already. Files can always be edited after approval and can always contain malicious content even without the author knowing.

The text stays there how it is and will not be changed to make it less obvious or whatever..

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline

Suggestion for the user account settings:
"[x] Send me a notification email when I receive a PM"

I'm not on US every day anymore but would like to know (directly instead of days later) when someone messages me

Also this:
"[x] Send me a notification email when someone adds a comment to one of my uploaded files"
edited 1×, last 23.11.16 06:39:31 am
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