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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

user Sym has written
What about an app for the site?

Because creating an app is not as easy as creating a website. There are many ways to create an app and the closest I know of to create one while trying to be as easy as creating a website would be Ember. But still - creating an app for Unreal Software would have no benefits and simply waste time (if not done as a learning progress for future projects) and besides that all this website needs is a responsive version.
edited 1×, last 20.07.16 12:01:50 pm

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

Apps for websites make sense if the websites are for a very specific task and if you want to make it easier to do this thing without having to load the full website. Apps have the huge drawback that you have to install them first which is not a user friendly thing - unless you expect the majority of users to be hardcore users who don't mind installing the app.

Therefore I agree that a mobile version would make way more sense than an app. It's planned but with a low priority because the main topic of this website are PC games so I expect PC users as audience. I'm aware that those might also want to access the page from their mobile devices but the "typical" Unreal Software user uses a PC most of the time.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Yep. A mobile version would be better than an app, while my PC is broken I have to enter the site with the chrome app and is a bit too difficult to navigate. I guess I'll have to wait.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

user Starkkz has written
@user DC: As a for a staff feature do you think you could add a bar on the users profiles that shows their status reason? (community banned, game banned, etc). It could be useful to have a reminder of why a user was banned, at least it's better than having to scroll down on the activity menu to find the ban reason.

I think I'm going to keep pushing with this, I consider this a extremely necessary & important feature that should be added soon.

I'm receiving private messages with people asking me why were they game-banned and I'm unable to respond because usually the ban was set long ago & /activity.php shows nothing about it.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site


Would be nice if there's font style, font size, and font colors is it? If they are existing or suggested before, I don't know it.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user BcY has written
A statistic bar that shows how many hours we played cs2d,just like Steam.

I had the same thoughts. Sorry if this support comments are not wished. Wanted only to express that there are also other whose are interested in this.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site


@user BcY: yeah, that would be good idea.

Another idea: is there a way to upload and/or edit own avatar via URL / link? Because sometimes I am to lazy for downloading image and upload once again. If that's impossible right now, user DC you could do this, else tell me how to do that.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

If we block (ignore) a user for preventing pms,how about we couldn't see blocked (ignored) user's files,posts,threads,etc.This setting will cannot block moderators or even admins.

@:user BcY:Totally agree with your idea.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

@user sonkii: That would lead to confusion and is overall a bad idea. Blocking users via PM is enough. If you want to ignore them in threads - don't reply. It's not like you get a notification anyway.

old Stealth-Bans (shadow banning)

Moderator Off Offline

Sooner or later, US needs the stealth-banning feature. Not that it'd be urgently implemented but it could save lots of bans and it is way more effective against uber-trolls in case if they come than a permanent disclosure of the account.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

This is not suggested? probably i didnt search correctly.
Remove Misc. Files subsection of Stuff category?
So just open stuff and then files inside

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

@user GeoB99: I disagree. Unreal software is boring and trolls make it interesting, but yeah maybe one day when US gets popular we'll need that
chillax you're already doing a great job by deleting controversial posts before they get noticed, making sure website stays clean...and boring.

old Thread creator can delete/close his own thread

User Off Offline

How about the thread creator can delete/close his own thread?We wont request from someone to delete/close thread.

This has been suggested?btw,i search and found nothing,probably i didnt search it correctly.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site


@user sonkii: yeah it's been suggested before. I bit disagree about that, people may spam this site and moreover, the uber-trolls (just like me) number increased. This is not very needy, we can just ask or wait moderator to trash it? It can avoid banning- actions btw.
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