
[b]Use[/b] [i]this[/i] [u]instead[/u].
It's the code tag with inline property. This way you can use it
anywhere you wantwithout it bring a massive code block.
edited 1×, last 26.06.16 11:17:03 am

make a function that block PM from certain user.

You can simply block user by pressing

and it's possible to unblock users from Messages tab

when blocked user tries to send message to receiver, it's still possible to send however the message won't be reach to receiver.
Just got tried from "someone", that's why I am eager to see this function.

Just in case you weirdly enough decide to do this (even though it's been suggested a lot before), make sure to hide likes (or remove them) on posts that have broken a rule and are locked.

general problems the kids may abuse this.
Who cares? Take a look at your first posts here, you would have abused the shit out of that button, but that was then - and now you're fine.
I wouldn't give two shits if someone got likes by asking his friends to like his post or him liking every post he sees. The only thing I would care about is me giving out likes to people that deserve them, and 80% of the people here will do the same.
Time to lighten up already.
The people will reply with things like
i like this, +1, and needless replys are forbidden.


I'm not against the idea but I'd prefer other things suggested (My favorite would be getting notifications when you're mentioned in a post/thread/comment). Way more useful.
The good thing about it: It doesn't really hurt anyone because it doesn't take much space and isn't as annoying as pointless replies. In fact it might even prevent pointless spam replies because people can use a reaction instead.
It doesn't add much value however so this has a super low priority and is not likely to be added any time soon. I would rather add stuff that is more important to improve the page.
input, but changing it to
buttonshould work if not.

Regarding likes for posts: I really like the reaction function that Slack offers
The good thing about it: It doesn't really hurt anyone because it doesn't take much space and isn't as annoying as pointless replies. In fact it might even prevent pointless spam replies because people can use a reaction instead.
It doesn't add much value however so this has a super low priority and is not likely to be added any time soon. I would rather add stuff that is more important to improve the page.
The good thing about it: It doesn't really hurt anyone because it doesn't take much space and isn't as annoying as pointless replies. In fact it might even prevent pointless spam replies because people can use a reaction instead.
It doesn't add much value however so this has a super low priority and is not likely to be added any time soon. I would rather add stuff that is more important to improve the page.
Have you any another more important works to do than this one?