
This exploit is an actual threat and it has been used already by several people. I even had to disable the e-mail password reset function for very old accounts because of this problem.
MuroOow Write message:
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3nte Write message:
Offline Off
lemme be your pupil pls
edited 2×, last 08.04.16 01:37:52 pm

If someone fails his login at least 3 times his IP should be temp.banned for 3 or 2 hours and the victim should be notified.
I like using git, just not Github but when I want to do something for CS2D or Stranded which is public, I would like to put it on Github and share it.

Just add Thread Prefix?.

Admin/mod comment
No, he literally wrote thread : 296563 without spaces. Did you mean pre-fix by that?
DC: you mentioned that relying on GitHub for some files on the File Archive was a bad idea because the site could go down or the repository could be removed any time. What if you made the File Archive able to handle webhook posts from GitHub, automatically download the file provided by GitHub and replaced the old .zip from the File Archive with the new one obtained from GitHub?
The .zip file would certainly be saved on UnrealSoftware, plus it wouldn't ever be necessary for you to develop a multi-author feature.

The .zip file would certainly be saved on UnrealSoftware, plus it wouldn't ever be necessary for you to develop a multi-author feature.
I still think it would be a great idea to implement this.

Yea, you should add Thread Prefix.
In this way, for example, if an user quoted another full user's post which is too above and not advisable to do so, the quote will be removed, his post will be marked with a mod comment and, that, the user will think about that he did wrong and it shouldn't happen again.
I guess adding this line to head tag will fix scaling issues (this is html5 stuff, but should work anyway).
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
why not Bootstrap 3?