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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user ohaz: The developer of LuaPower implemented something similar to obtain the documentation file from his project's repositories, I thought it would be cool if user DC did it here.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user useigor has written
> If someone used your nickname or user:id in his message then you will get notification with link on message. This can be disabled in settings.

Bumping this. Pulling a bit further, also if someone mentions your upload, thread or replies to your thread.

Er – couldn't find DC's thoughts on this.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user Nekomata has written
user useigor has written
> If someone used your nickname or user:id in his message then you will get notification with link on message. This can be disabled in settings.

Bumping this. Pulling a bit further, also if someone mentions your upload, thread or replies to your thread.

Er – couldn't find DC's thoughts on this.

Wow i was thinking about this yesterday, read my mind.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Can we get an infobox on the login page, saying that you might want to kill yourself after visiting this website?
edited 1×, last 27.02.16 12:34:21 pm

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

Whenever a file is checked if there are any type of malicious contents (malwares, backdoors, etc.) and gets approved, the warn notification in Download page must be changed to something like "Secure: This file has been reviewed and doesn't contain any malware!" instead.

In my humble opinion, it's kind of nonsense to keep that notification since the file is already reviewed & approved thus there's nothing inside that is malicious which may concern the user.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

Files may always be edited after being approved. Also, who is to say that we as reviewers know everything there is to know about malware, viruses etc? We simply don't. The notification is there for a very good reason, and under no circumstances should it be removed unless the file is uploaded by DC himself and he doesn't want it (and even then is still not a good reason to remove it).

Basically, with this notification no one can go batshitmad and sue DC because he warned people before they downloaded it.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

I would like to see a new approval of a file which would be files uploaded by users that would be a CS2D bug/security/whatever fix. These files would be given this tag by moderators (and reviewers if you want) and would have their own list like "New Uploads" and "Most Liked Uploads" on the file archive page here.

There have already been many such files, for example right now Lee's null packet fix, or when uPrate6 made a fix for wall hacking (you could teleport client side and use buttons), my anti-reload spam script and more.

Of course the two latter files are now redundant, but it would be very easy to maintain the list as such bugs are quickly fixed and released in a new update, but that sometimes takes time.

With this it would also be more inviting to share such fixes (as I know, like myself, I tend to hold on to them) and would possibly be a way to gain a "Security Supporter" rank. Telling there is a security leak is one thing, but bringing out a file to fix it is even better!

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

@user mentioning notification stuff: I really like that idea. I already read that suggestion before but it requires a good amount of effort to implement this in a clean and useful way so I didn't do it yet.

@user Yates: The amount of such files is clearly not significant enough to make it worth implementing such a system especially for them.

@virus scan: I also really like that idea but didn't find the time to deal with it yet.

@user GeoB99: The warning makes a lot of sense. I agree with what user Yates said there. Reviewers don't necessarily do a virus check (actually they won't do one in the vast majority of all cases) + files can be edited after review and the current system doesn't trigger a new review when they already got approved.

@user SmD: I'm sorry if you feel like that. Maybe you should talk to someone. It's nothing which could be fixed with a simple warning text...

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Why Unreal Software doesn't use CloudFlare? I'd like to see SSL certificate on Unreal Software and CDN will help improve the performance of your website especially for visitors from outside Europe.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Hajt: All one needs to bypass CloudFlare is the hoster IP, which is not so hard to find. An SSL certificate on Unreal Software wouldn't really make much sense unless there is a huge threat of annoying classmates or colleagues fishing for tokens. I don't see why anyone in for example a Starbucks would want to use your Unreal Software account

Also a CDN would not make any sense seeing as the only thing he could use a CDN for would be jQuery, which he already does (DC why are you still using 1.6 ?).

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

@user Hajt: Strato (the provider I use for my vServer) doesn't allow me to change the nameserver of my domains. This is required to make Cloudflare work though. Strato seems to allow it for domain packages but not for domains which are part of a vServer contract. It's pretty stupid. I would use Cloudflare if I could set it up easily.

@user Mora: A search function I implement on my own would be slow and bad because I don't want to spend weeks on it. Just use the Google powered function:
Yes, you can't restrict it to a certain thread but you normally don't really need to. Just search what you want to search and see if it has been discussed already.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User On Online

@user DC: whatever, but it's possible to make accent to the thread by this function? for example.. you write some code to search function searching it exactly where you wrote?
like a:
[#thread="id of it"]Your words
[#file="id of it"]Your words
I know maybe sounds stupid.. but it's will be really much easiest.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

A cool security thing.

Users that have not been online for 5 years will be marked as old user.

Old users will get one message to their E-Mail with a pretty long password that they will need to use in order to restore their account.

That's to prevent hackers from hacking accounts.
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