
Bumping this. Pulling a bit further, also if someone mentions your upload, thread or replies to your thread.
Er – couldn't find DC's thoughts on this.

Bumping this. Pulling a bit further, also if someone mentions your upload, thread or replies to your thread.
Er – couldn't find DC's thoughts on this.
Wow i was thinking about this yesterday, read my mind.
edited 1×, last 27.02.16 12:34:21 pm
In my humble opinion, it's kind of nonsense to keep that notification since the file is already reviewed & approved thus there's nothing inside that is malicious which may concern the user.
Basically, with this notification no one can go batshitmad and sue DC because he warned people before they downloaded it.
There have already been many such files, for example right now Lee's null packet fix, or when uPrate6 made a fix for wall hacking (you could teleport client side and use buttons), my anti-reload spam script and more.
Of course the two latter files are now redundant, but it would be very easy to maintain the list as such bugs are quickly fixed and released in a new update, but that sometimes takes time.
With this it would also be more inviting to share such fixes (as I know, like myself, I tend to hold on to them) and would possibly be a way to gain a "Security Supporter" rank. Telling there is a security leak is one thing, but bringing out a file to fix it is even better!

@virus scan: I also really like that idea but didn't find the time to deal with it yet.


Also a CDN would not make any sense seeing as the only thing he could use a CDN for would be jQuery, which he already does (DC why are you still using 1.6

Peoples may search before post any idea, or reply that were replied before.


Yes, you can't restrict it to a certain thread but you normally don't really need to. Just search what you want to search and see if it has been discussed already.

like a:
[#thread="id of it"]Your words [#file="id of it"]Your words etc.
Users that have not been online for 5 years will be marked as old user.
Old users will get one message to their E-Mail with a pretty long password that they will need to use in order to restore their account.
That's to prevent hackers from hacking accounts.

What are the security reasons? Just wondering