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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user SmD has written
a chat box would be pretty cool, but would have to be specially moderated

Make the SB only accessible for premium users (1 year premium membership would cost 10€ or something)

Its also a good way to support DC.

Yea that is actually a good idea

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

The whole point of a shoutbox would die if this were to happen. Shoutboxes are used to quickly ask something which doesn't deserve a topic, no one who just registers to ask a question would buy this premium membership, instead they will be wondering why they cannot use the shoutbox and first create a thread about that before they create a thread for their actual question!

Shoutboxes are also generally full of spam, and we all know how DC likes spam eh.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user Yates: There's always workarounds though. A chatbox is faster, true, but this community isn't so big that there's always tons of people who can help you out. A forum is more than enough. Still, a shoutbox could restrict images, multiple symbols and be moderated the same way that forum is moderated. That would be more than enough.

Still, this was discussed multiple times and nothing happened. You'd do good to stop pushing this topic.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Scenario A: Carlito spams the shoutbox with links to this latest gold deagle skin.

Scenario B: Yates leaves a negative review on Carlito's latest gold deagle skin. Carlito proceeds to call Yates a faggot asshole in the shoutbox.

Scenario C: Carlito gets banned from his favorite shit server. He then proceeds to cry about it in shoutbox and demands that DC does something about it.

Scenario D: Carlito gets pwned by a hacker, or someone he thinks is a hacker on his favorite shit server. He then proceeds to cry about it in shoutbox and demands that DC does something about it.

Scenario E: Carlito is not very good at English so when he meets his friends in the shoutbox they start chatting in their mother tongue ecks dee.

As much as I like the idea I can't see it happening simply due to the amount of children on unrealsoftware.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

BANNED Off Offline

* My ideas *

@user DC: i Ask You To Make A • "Role Playing Game"
• "Strategy Game "
• "Racing Game"
• "Horror Game"
> of course after finish Stranded III

∗ Add Slow Motion To Cs2d
∗ Make "Bots" Smarter And Chatting Bots

Stranded III
∗ Make The Game "Online USGN + LAN + Offline With Good Story
∗ More Than 1 island! "Travel Stuff"
I hope you Like my ideas

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

my idea to the shoutbox:
why don't we implement an irc client directly into this website?
- more people would join the chat
- easy talk and fast response is possible
- people wont complain about not having a real shoutbox

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user 0TT0: That won't change anything though. If they were actually bothered to check the Contact page in the left of the website, they will find the IRC channel of us and just going to Quakenet site, typing the channel, your nickname and voila. It will not take a long time to do that.

And it is advisable to refrain from these posts regarding Shoutbox since we've discussed this thing many times already. It does not make sense to talk about it again.

Aside from this, not sure if someone was already suggesting this idea, but what about displaying the moderator's nickname both in the highlighted red box and file tag as well when a moderator deleted a specific file? With this, you can see exactly who was the mod who deleted it from the File Archive.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Make an function for users: if a reply or post of guy are month(or bigger..idc) old - he cannot edit it anymore,
for example the posts of @user MaxmyA_TN, he edit good feedback post to bullshit, and these posts were written along ago.
/for sure it's not working to uploads or threads that not been closed by moderators.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user Mora: As I said in my PM that I've sent it to you regarding this situation, it's not worth to respond to someone's back which he's a troll, a shit-poster or whatever you want to call it. I do get the frustration about it, but hey that's the Internet buddy. Some people can be complete retards, assholes and getting on everyone's goat whilst they're behind a monitor and a keyboard. There's nothing you can do really. Kinda sad.

With that said, you might want to report this situations to a moderator and that moderator will delete most recent posts that they're just trolling, flaming, shit-posting by an user. Such comments should never be kept on a file as it may catch other's attention and thus responding to them back which is called feeding and it won't end pretty well whatsoever.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user DC: you mentioned that relying on GitHub for some files on the File Archive was a bad idea because the site could go down or the repository could be removed any time. What if you made the File Archive able to handle webhook posts from GitHub, automatically download the file provided by GitHub and replaced the old .zip from the File Archive with the new one obtained from GitHub?

The .zip file would certainly be saved on UnrealSoftware, plus it wouldn't ever be necessary for you to develop a multi-author feature.
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