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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

This may be a bug, or it might be intentional, so I'm going to post it here instead of in the bug thread as it's not really a major issue.

When looking at a profile the list of forum post shows the topic title you or someone else posted in like this:
(<thread title> )

I suggest to remove the trailing space or add one in front. I looks weird right now.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

@user Yates: Fixed.

@user GeoB99: Viewing the file contents is an expensive operation. I basically want to avoid that automated crawlers and alike can trigger it. This was the easiest approach. Sure, I could add a CAPTCHA but it's not worth the effort.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

I still would like the File Archive to be able to connect to git repositories, github for example is a good candidate.

Or at least to use direct links to it.
Example: When you click the "download" button it sends you to the download link of the file on that git repository.

However, when you attempt to look at the file contents it redirects you to the git repository where you can navigate and dig into the files.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

Whenever a user violated a rule in Comments field and received the temp.ban, it should bring up a link of the respective comment that violated the rule too in the reason of the ban (same like in Forum field when you temp.ban a user because the specific reply violated a rule). This will clear out the people's doubts as I've received several PMs from few people asking me in what comment they violated the rule (this thing happened when I was a moderator before).

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

Change the look of boxes like this:

HTML Code >

Or similar to this

This one is important (height:115px):
<div class="b0" style="height:115px;">

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

@user Starkkz: The problem with externally hosted stuff is that there is a very high potential for dead links which is something I want to avoid. In case of a Git repo: The author might remove the repo and forget about the file archive entry here. Therefore I want to always have a copy which is uploaded here. Of course you can add a link to the Git repo as well. You can even add a note that the Git repo content might be more up to date than the uploaded file. That's cool with me because it's still better than having dead links.

That's why I don't accept uploads with just download links and why the system forces you to upload something.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user DC: How about webhooks?

Edit: People has been demanding for moderators, what if you created a minor rank where we (the moderators) had permission to promote people into this rank according to how we belive that they behave. Of course this should be a more limited rank, the default moderator rank has already as much power as yours. Perhaps a junior moderator or something like that?

You might not like the fact that we'd be promoting random people but we eventually do have good ideas, and it's not likely we're going to put twenty people instantly there, if you look it into another way, that would be like the pre-moderator test rank. Where users would jump into promotions that way.

User -> Junior Moderator -> Moderator.

That way we'd know who does better job, especially on the File Archive. If the user does a good job as Junior Moderator, we just give you our opinions about that person and you decide whether to promote him or not.
edited 3×, last 08.11.15 05:08:56 am

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

Or maybe You guys can be Global Moderators and have the power of removing ranks from normal Moderators restricting the privilege as well like...Well you know..

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

Global Moderator is a thing added into some forums to note that they don't moderate a specific section, but are moderators on the whole forum. I think moderator is just fine, but something minor should be added. Probably like the old moderator powers we had before, where we could close threads/temp. ban/delete files, but not permanently ban nor set the users to Idiot mode, nor completely modify their profile.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

user Starkkz has written
Probably like the old moderator powers we had before, where we could close threads/temp. ban/delete files, but not permanently ban nor set the users to Idiot mode, nor completely modify their profile.
That part sounds perfect. I'm sure user DC has time to do that anyway.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

I like user Starkkz's idea about a minor rank where we act like a child from a moderator. Speaking of which I have an idea. What about all moderators pick multiple users, maybe 2 users, to be junior moderators then in a few weeks, well-behaved rules-obeyed junior moderator still be a junior moderator while another one demoted to be a user again. This may cause conflict but moderators should pick well-behaved users to be junior moderators, right? After the demotion (is it a right word?), there're still junior moderators of each moderator, then to eliminate multiple junior moderators so there only be one junior moderator, moderators need to examine each of junior moderators (don't examine partially) on what should be examined. In a few weeks, well-behaved rules-obeyed humble junior moderator be a moderator and other junior moderators demoted to user again. I guess this is a quite fair way to elect a new moderator. There will be many conflicts occurred if this idea implemented so 50/50 on chance of succession.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

Well, my point to junior moderator was to have a flexible list of moderators where they'd be changed constantly to most active/mature ones. But the main thing, would be to get permission from user DC to allow us to promote people into that rank without having to ask him every time we have a new idea.

old Adding Cats to Sprite/Skin Mods

User Off Offline

How about classifying CS2D mods into more distinctive categories?


The CS2D section recently got updated there and every skin was classified into sub cats.

There are cats for each CS2D weapon in-game as also cats for misc sprites if a sizeable amount of weapons exist to justify the making of such a cat.


Easier to browse skins. Eg. I want a Desert Eagle skin for my game. I can just click on the Deagle section.

A search filter using the keywords "Desert Eagle" or "Deagle" isn't actually that helpful since skins for Desert Eagle can also be a Colt Python, an M1911, etc. Instead of searching all these terms and checking whether that skin is meant for Deagle or other pistol, I can just browse the Deagle cat instead.


Mods will need to do heavy work during classifications.

DC may have to do some website modifications.

Classification can be a community effort with Mods asking people to make lists. Like a guy can browse the current section from pages 1-10, classify all skins. Some can do 10-20... and so on.

Website modifications on the other hand might be complex and DC alone will have to handle that


@user GeoB99: Thanks for rerouting me to this thread!

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

Would be nice to see an updated code tag which would show code syntax and everything correctly.

You can use for this. Their website looks crap but the plugin is brilliant. You can load files from directories as well! Loads of languages are supported including Lua of course. You can get the simple version like I have, or choose to get loads of little addons like hovering over colour code, line numbers and that sort of thing. They also have a few default styles to choose from. It's all pretty compact.

I customized a few things to my liking, which is also fairly straight forward CSS.


Many websites use prismjs for their code tags. It's pretty much the one you want when it comes down to it.

And, if that wasn't enough to convince you, you can also use the code tags in between text:


So, please make this happen or at least tell me why not

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

I got kinda bored today, so I decided to spice up the welcome screen a little, inspired by the flash-version that used to be there, however this time using javascript; it would be cool to see some interactive-kinda thing there again.

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