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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Talented Doge
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user sayori has written
Option to make groups like in steam.

That would be like having clans, what's the point of having these things in an official CS2D client? Having a group on Steam or an unofficial forum would be quite enough. Adding this feature will be absolutely pointless.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

@user Talented Doge: Is it easyer to make group on steam or making forum for that clan? When i wanted to make clan website i needed to pay to make that website and i didn't. Do you know why? Why would i pay for website that (probably) no single one will hear about it and if they do they won't give shit about it.

Sry if i was mean.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

@user sayori: Have you ever heard about something called sub-domain? Well, let me give you some valuable information.
You can host a forum/web on that subdomain for free as you want.
The only lone defect (for the beginners) in this hosting service is that you can't give your own site name an independent domain.
But nowadays, they are rerouting to their sub-domains by another free hosting provider, which hosts for them a .tk domain for free.
Thus, you can create a forum by finding a forum hoster which there are tons of them, and reroute to your forum by a .tk domain.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

@user THEMUD: Well i didn'k know about that, but still, who would go to that website, maybe like [T-U] Project, really nice website BUT whenever i go there no users online or if is someone there that are admins or owner. Yust saying.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user Black Wolf: This depends mostly on the moderator but also to that "small thing" too. I often use the Rainoth's ban style (using sections instead of full bans) but I give also full ban but for a shorter duration (and sometimes higher depending on the severity). 3 days is a default ban but as said is up to the moderator himself to decide, either letting 3 days or just changing the duration and how severe is the violation.

Just don't break the rules and things that you don't want to happen will not happen.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Black Wolf
User Off Offline

I got banned for 3 days just for joking little bit. I understand if i did something serious but 3 days for that, seriously?

Zero shouldnt be banning anyone, hes bans are too long and gives them for stupid reason. I wouldnt be surprised if i get ban now.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user Black Wolf has written
I got banned for 3 days just for joking little bit. I understand if i did something serious but 3 days for that, seriously?

Zero shouldnt be banning anyone, hes bans are too long and gives them for stupid reason. I wouldnt be surprised if i get ban now.


Could you please tell me how your comment wasn't unnecessary?

What made you think that you had to say "Gotta buy some popcorn"? Did you think that it will make a significant contribution to the discussion? Did you think that people will see at as a well-thought-out argument? Did it mean something for you? Did you just want attention?

You were clearly trying to provoke a quarrel and the comment was completely unnecessary and unhelpful. Therefore, you broke the rules and the ban was fair.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Black Wolf
User Off Offline

They were arguing so i said something less negative. Why the fuck r you always negative @user J192:

So for joking you get ban for 3 or more days, you have to be so serious all the time. Gj us, dont wonder why all newbs who cant speak english and other ppl leave this forum so quick.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

@user Black Wolf: What's wrong with arguing? Do you think people should just hold hands together and agree with each other all the time?

The purpose of their argument was to resolve a problem (Pagyra showing off his unfinished mods), and it was resolved at Yate's last reply. Right before you "lighten the mood" like a hero or something.
There's literally no reason for you to intervene.

Do you know the Pollyanna principle? (If Wikipedia doesn't explain it enough, go here)
Ignoring negative problems and focusing on temporary positive reliefs will just worsen the problem.
Just because something is positive, doesn't mean that it has positive effects. (e.g., giving chocolate cake to your obese friend) Just because something is negative, doesn't mean that it has negative effects. (e.g., spanking your kids when they shit on the floor)

Just don't do it again. Seriously, that's all you have to do, just move on.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

Since when this thread became a thread about mods and how they give bans?
I think, you guys should stop it (not meaning that I disagree with all you said) but is just not the right place to talk about it here (there's thread us Discussion About Moderators instead), so there's no reason to go Off-Topic. Thanks that you understood.
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