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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user The Gajos: If I remember correctly, someone already suggested a long time ago (can't remember the name of that user though) about implementing F.A. Moderator but user DC rejected it eventually. He said that is a bit pointless and a waste of time to work on the website by creating another Moderator rank for F.A.

@user Pseudon: Wait a minute... what? Then, I'll do same, at least it will be easy for them to take care of File Archive since I saw some bad files that are still here.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline

That'd be nice, i recently found alot of files which deserves to be removed as they doesnt fullfill anyones requirements and i just thought "damn i would give a penny if i could remove these files". The only thing we need is something like a log of who deleted a file, so if there's someone going to abuse the right to delete stuff any mod could strip the super user rank of that guy. Ofc only moderators should be able to see the logarchive and it should list every last 50 removed files with the latest status (likes, comments & downloads for example) or better smth like a trash bin from ms windows. Every file gets move to it and can be finally deleted by simply confirming it. This method will decrease the work moderators have alot as they simply see a list of files and check each file once or twice and can finally remove or restore them. The most time is actually needed to search for bad files. Im not sure if it's too much work to implement it for such a small benefit.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user XoOt: Not really, we already have an activity menu which shows us everything that happens in the forum (posts, comments, uploads, bans, profile changes, etc). However, it would be necessary to modify this rank's rights somehow.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

I just noticed a bug in the forum when posting certain links such as

which is shown as
%20Style_guide" rel="ugc nofollow">Link!

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

I would like to suggest a possibility to change the sub-forum section for your own threads, similar in File Archive. In case if you posted your thread in a wrong sub-forum section just for mistake and the user admitted that, you can change it by yourself like in F.A. without the help of a moderator, unless if a moderator already caught the thread is posted mistakenly in the wrong section.

old Repeating IPs

User Off Offline

List of users with repeating IPs, i mean if 2 users share one IP then they will be visible in the list. Also with option to ignore last number (0-255) when comparing the users, so user with = user with

IP | Date of last share | User 1 | User 2

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

I'd still like to work with a File Archive api.
Get file name
Get the last time it was (re)uploaded
Get the download link

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User On Online

• When a new guy register there a new account, then the message is appear:
If you are novice at cs2d and not experienced with anything, do not upload your crappy new maps, they still always freaky and you may get banned.

And whenever you made a new "upload file" this message is appears.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User On Online

maybe highter, bcs some players just play, and they get experienced after a long time, but maybe 50-70 will be good.
And increase bans for violate that rule - lock file arhive for a long. (go get better with this game, and don't upload again shit)

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

I like the idea of a file archive restriction for new members. Make it last min. one month. Also, lock the ability to like other files for the same amount of time. If they genuinely like a file, they can just leave a comment saying so.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

That file archive restriction is a not a good idea. That someone is new in the community does not mean that he is new to the game and even new users can create high quality files. Also long time users can create very shitty files. So there is absolutely no relation between age of account and file quality and therefore it's wrong to completely block uploads for new users.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline

You should add a new permanent banmode which will be "F-A banned" for users who keep uploading shitfiles or copied/stolen ones, but behave on forums.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

DC has written
That someone is new in the community does not mean that he is new to the game and even new users can create high quality files. Also long time users can create very shitty files. So there is absolutely no relation between age of account and file quality and therefore it's wrong to completely block uploads for new users.

Theoretically? Yes.
Practically? No.
I'm surprised to see you write that. I'm sure you're more than aware of what's being uploaded in file archive nowadays.
I wonder how long has it actually been since I've seen a new user actually upload something nice. Two, three months? More. I don't even know anymore.
In my opinion such idea is logically correct, however it does not mean that it applies everywhere. For example here.

The problem is not "new users upload bad files and old users dont".
It's "new or old, people upload a bad file and don't understand why it's bad". Such people then proceed to either flame, ignore, keep uploading junk or something else negative and unproductive. In 2% of cases a person actually improves or stops uploading until he improves.

I'm fairly sure making such a system would be too much of a bother (no matter how good it was) so we'll just have to keep doing it manually (at least what I do):
> New person to uploading uploads a bad file
> Receives negative feedback
> After a period of time, I evaluate and remove it
> Uploads another bad file
> Receives even more negative feedback because people are getting pissed at him.
> End up t.banning for rule violations and eventually removing the file
> Repeat x 4 or 5 times
> I get annoyed myself that the person uploads crap.
> T.ban him
> Result: User leaves forum, user creates a new account (don't worry it's brother's/friend's/cat's/potato's/whatever's account) and keeps uploading junk (in this case read the first message)

Daily life of file archive
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