
Admin/mod comment
I don't think that it'll lead to problems if it'll be invisible. /
Sometimes when I submitted a comment in File Archive and accidentally I clicked the "Reload" button of the browser, it says that there are problems like spamming is forbidden, the comment is same like the previous one, etc.
That's weird to me because actually I didn't spammed or something I just accidentally clicked the Reload button but then I get the temp.ban.
I can't remember exactly but I'm sure when I clicked the Reload button, suddenly I got the temp.ban by the System.
I wrote that not because I'm worried or I'm pissed off by this thing, so don't get me wrong but seems a bit strange and I think is a bug of the System.
Well, I could report that bug to

The solution to this is very easy: Never hit refresh when you just submitted something. Instead click in the address bar and hit enter.
By the way: Most modern and good browsers will warn you when you are about to re-submit form content with a refresh (this has been introduced because of exactly your problem). So maybe also consider to switch to another browser if your browser does not warn you.
I'll try to change the behavior on the page nevertheless. Should be possible to filter it.
I just disabled the temp ban. The submission is blocked with an error anyway.
edited 1×, last 19.04.15 01:12:13 pm

I suggest also to adjust a bit the "Show online State" feature on Profile>Edit account. If I disabled/not checked this button, everything is fine like the Online state it doesn't show, except if I play Counter-Strike 2D or other game that support U.S.G.N. service the "Playing" state is still showing in the profile.
I think, if this option is not checked/disabled then it mustn't show the Playing state as the Online state.
What do you think?
1) the line below already tells you how long the user has been on this site
2) it's useful to know whether the user is still active to answer his forum post etc.

The less responses they get, the less likely are they to do it again.
Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site
Deleted UserAlso remove the 4chan mention from the rules regarding memes, that website is too fucked up to be visited by the avarage 13y/o's visiting this website, not speaking about it being 18+.

So yeah, if you think about naughty things when you remember 4chan, it's your fault

Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site
Deleted User
Just checked, this pops up everytime you try to access any section.
So yea, even if it isn't tagged as NSFW, they still have so much fucked up things going on...
edited 1×, last 22.04.15 12:56:29 pm

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