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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Dc may be u can change the site from to from it ,if the doser attack the site , it will be done on .tk main server not site . so the masterserver will not get any attacks

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

@user divyansh: I know you're just trying to help and I'm thankful for this but your idea does not work for several reasons. They can simply attack my IP directly without using any domain and also a domain or the DNS does not block/filter any attacks. It's just used to get the IP (once, then it's cached).

btw: I added so you can see what was going on recently. I'll add/link this on the home page later. I'm aware that there is much room for improvement for that new page.

× No discussion on the DDoS stuff please ×
edited 2×, last 24.03.15 11:13:11 am

old The user is viewing...

Moderator Off Offline

What about a feature like "the user is viewing" for example:

ZxC is viewing Unreal Software Idea Thread(a moment ago)
DC is watching the forum(3 minutes ago)

What i mean about this is when a user watch or reply in a thread this feature will appear in his/her profile like i explained above.
edited 1×, last 24.03.15 05:10:30 pm

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

I advice to add the delete button, sometimes users are writing things and then they see them as similar/pre-existing, rather than interfering from the moderators, that user will delete it himself also it's somewhat inconvenient for the moderators.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user THEMUD: Well, i already asked this idea about the delete button but after i have to disagree with my idea which is pretty same as yours because some users aren't conscious before when they post something so they will remind after that (and a moderator might already warned or noticed the respective user) but if the moderator saw the reply of the respective user.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline


@user DC: I'm a bit confused about this, is this a moderator/admin thing only or is it visible for everyone? What is the difference between Account and By?

Admin/mod comment

Account Logs obviously are not visible to users. I guess Admin/Moderator nickname can appear in By /user useigor

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

@user Starkkz: Of course I would never reveal IPs of others to users. The account logs are only visible to Moderators/Admins. user useigor is basically right.

Account: Account which has been changed
By: Person who changed that account. Can only be the owner or a mod/admin (editing of profiles of others has been enabled for mods recently). I wanted to name it something like "Changed by" or "Executor" or "Performed by" which would have made it more obvious but I decided that it's too long.

@user GeoB99: I think people should have a certain level of privacy. Therefore I don't really like it.

old Attachment

Moderator Off Offline

Maybe an attachment for Unreal software forum would be good.

The attachment can support only images file (.png, .bmp, etc.), sounds file (.mp3, .wav, etc.) file archives (.zip, .rar, etc.) and other file extensions if you want.
The limit size of these files will be ~7Mb (or how much you want the limit, this is just my opinion).

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

I suggest to add the edit button in the mesages, so the user can edit the message instead to delete it and write again the new things to delete.
The edit button will dissapear when the user that recieved the PM will read the message.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

Ctrl+B, I, U and that sort of thing would be nice once you have selected a text to add BBCode easily.

@user Dusty715: I actually second this.

@user GeoB99: Would be nice. Although sending a new message is actually better. I think DC once said just delete the old message if not read and send a new one.

Please add a bagel emoticon. Thank you.

edited 2×, last 01.04.15 05:28:01 pm

old Warn notiication

Moderator Off Offline

What about a warn notification?
What i mean about this is when a moderator or admin use the special mod comment you will be notificated like this:

Your reply in XYZ thread has been warned


old Actual changes (logs)

User Off Offline

I think logs should show only what actually changed or at least start each variable with newline.

old Important Messages

Moderator Off Offline

Maybe if you put a section for messages called "important messages". If a user/moderator/DC sent you a message and is considered as important you can check them as important.

old Ban list | Guideline list

User Off Offline

I'd like to see list of user bans, so i couldn't forget some violators.


Also page where are listed some important guidelines (like page with rules) and command gl:# that show specific guideline.
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