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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

You ruined your mod yourself by using it instead of completing it. Not my fault

But I don't need anything, I'm just saying this idea was already suggested and rejected.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

It works when the link is opened in a new window (
Looks like the popup parameter causes problems in certain cases but it works fine in others. Maybe because of certain characters in the path/filename.

Should be easy to fix. There are probably a bunch of other small bugs related to that new feature. Scrolling for instance is an issue as well.

Thanks for reporting!

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user DC, since it's still not fixed i leave my message here so you could not easily forget it.
user useigor has written
I don't remember empty lines and now i don't see rhombuses. I decided to download file and noticed that strings with special chars are not visible: и, м, », «, and etc.
Looks like if some symbol(s) go beyond ASCII then string become "empty". In case you can't fix it, it's better to return rhombuses.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

@user VADemon: Refreshing your browser cache / reloading the page should solve the problem of the outdated file.
I'm aware that there are still several problems with the text preview like missing tabs, encoding problems and more.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

What about if you implement this feature for Messages like "Delete All" to delete all messages from your in-box and "Delete Check" (which means you check some messages that you want to delete instead of deleting them separately).

old Message tree

User Off Offline

1 user — 1 folder (row in table). Inbox and sent can be merged (optional).


Var. 1 >
Var. 2 >
Var. 3 >
Var. 4 >

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline

It would be helpful if you can also upload bitmap images on your fileupload, so you dont have to convert dropped, equipped and buymenu skins to jped or png when you upload your file and want to add those. I guess its not a big thing to allow bitmap images but it will make the whole uploadprocess more comfortable and userfriendly.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline

Damn. Or any way to convert the files when you upload them would also work. For example some tool that automatically converts bmp files to png, saw similar things on other sites already.
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