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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user BountyHunter: For a 2D game perspective, it could be very hard and DC must change the graphics of CS2D or something like that and i think this may be done by using scripts but without add effects of it or such.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user BountyHunter has written
This is concerning CS2D. What if DC would add more reality. When shooting, weapons would jam, sometimes. Possibility would be 2/10. When gun will jam, there should be some time-bar like when reloading until it will be prepared to shoot again.
This has nothing to do with counterstrike gameplay, so it's not in CS2D. If you want to, you can add it with scripts

old Automatic ban type

User Off Offline

IMHO default ban type should depend on page. If you create ban in forum then ban type will be "Forum", in comments to file — "Comment" and etc. Also you will need to add moderator panel in PMs.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user RedizGaming: Do you mean a chatbox where the users want to chat however this idea has been asked many times and this can lead to spam chats and insults too, so @user DC won't agree at all.


@user ohaz: Ah i forgot about IRC, my bad.
edited 1×, last 21.02.15 09:07:24 am

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

I suggest to dedicate some space upon registration which would contain links to most important threads about forum and file archive.

Won't help anyone but I hope at least 20% more people will read how to properly create a thread, how to properly upload files, how to find things and how to behave in forum.

It won't work for everyone but I prefer a smaller problem over a bigger one.

old irc

User Off Offline

I suggest to do the IRC chat in this website?...

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

I suggest that at the time you upload a file, you could choose a license which would appear as a text file in the zip of your upload. People would be advised about copyright.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline


every time I see these kids write something like
× you cant edit it
× you cant steal it
× you cant say its yours
√ you can download it
√ have fun

I'm like "u w0t m8":

1) I'll download and edit it, BOOM!, now what? you dont even know that I downloaded it, what're you gonna do about it?
2) if "stealing" means to re-upload it as my own file, technically I could do that. I'd get warned/banned because of it and the file would be removed by the mods but technically I could still do it.
3) "it is mine". there. can do, even if it's not true. see point 2 for the rest.
4) wow. thanks. so generous! I wonder who uploads files and then doesn't want them to be downloaded
5) yea, no. doesn't belong into the "copyright" stuff.

the wording I have a problem with is obviously "you can (not)". the correct form would be "you are (not) allowed" or "you are (not) permitted" but apparently that kind of language is too complicated for certain age-groups.

so a selection of actual copyright licenses to choose from would be nice, links like included and a radio-button group to select one of them. also probably a group of icons to represent these licenses (like done on the page from the link) plus hover-description on the file description page.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user Starkkz: I think there's already some files in File Archive that have a .txt file that contain license file or something and even if the uploaders must put a license text for each of their files, there will be people that steal the files from others.
I'm just saying that some people love to steal from others even if someone put a license text in the zip archive and these people doesn't really care about copyright at all.
Anyway this might be a good idea but there still will be people that doesn't care about it....

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

The Gajos
BANNED Off Offline

Look... if somebody steal a file eg. from Poland and he is from Germany, he won't cry about it because police from Poland can't do anything in another county.
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