I can skate, but I prefer the scooter as I live in hilly-as-fuck areas that require something more than just a foot to slow myself down (aka that brake on the back wheel of one).
i've been skating since 6 years and i say good luck progressing :p
My fav is Torey Pudwill and Daniel Espinoza.
Brand ? Depends on what,
if for boards Nude and Girl's pro model are nice
for shoes Vans, DVS, Etnies, Emerica are the best
Clothing: Vans, Etnies , Es
the only skateboarding you guys can do really is skating into a fucking wall
sorry to bust your egos, liars
I used to sit on it and go down the hill. I never hit a wall.
my ego.
You fucking owned.
Same shit for me... sit, have a friend to push you for better acceleration and down you go. Problem is... no fucking brakes. Sitboarding/assboarding ftw lol