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English your nightmare

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old Re: your nightmare

User Off Offline

i just had a new nightmare

my nightmare is, i turned into a girl and gangsters started running up to me and raping. WTF

old Re: your nightmare

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user C L a yPe X has written
My Bro send me this Link over Facebook:LOL
Spoiler >
when i saw the only thing i did was...lookin strait up at her eyes...and thinking about

old Re: your nightmare

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user DevGru has written
user Mechanolith has written
user DannyDeth has written

Holy fuck, my heart is beating like hell and i almost jumped off the chair.

What happened to me was, I opened that link on a new tab and when I saw the face I shouted "ARGH!!" and I closed it lol.

It wasn't so scary because my head isn't that close to monitor.

old Re: your nightmare

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IxMxAxPxFxOxRxFxUxN has written
i just had a new nightmare

my nightmare is, i turned into a girl and gangsters started running up to me and raping. WTF

Seek help.

old Re: your nightmare

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user xXPikachuXx has written
user C L a yPe X has written
My Bro send me this Link over Facebook:LOL
Spoiler >
when i saw the only thing i did was...lookin strait up at her eyes...and thinking about

Fuck i clicked link now i cleaning my pants !!!

old Re: your nightmare

User Off Offline

Well.. if you have a heart problem and are scared easily.. DO NOT touch that link.

old Re: your nightmare

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user 8balldandy has written
My biggest fear-blue screen.

By just looking a picture of it gives me nightmares, oh and the 2nd thing is my girlfriend meating justin boober

old Re: your nightmare

User Off Offline

Lol, it's nothing scary. The only thing that annoys me is that screeching sound. "iiiiiiiiiiii"
But the girl or monster or whatever it is is actually funny.
I can't resist clicking o that multiple times a day.

old Re: your nightmare

Deleted User

user xXPikachuXx has written
user C L a yPe X has written
My Bro send me this Link over Facebook:LOL
Spoiler >
when i saw the only thing i did was...lookin strait up at her eyes...and thinking about

I Clicked... And shit my pants lol,
I quick put of the botory, when computer is started up again FIREFOX WAS STARTED AUTOMATICLY WITH THIS FUCKING screamer.

old Re: your nightmare

Reviewer Off Offline

.. Just turn your sound off, click on the link, then look at it for 10 seconds. Now, WAS THAT SCARY?

And don't say yes trying to be funny, it won't be.

old Re: your nightmare

Deleted User

I will not risk lol

One nightmare I had when I was about 5 or 4 years old.
Nightmare was when my mother throw me in hell. That was scary. but after that i never had nightmares, only nice dreams. like, controlable dreams? lol.

old Re: your nightmare

Reviewer Off Offline

user Infinite Rain has written
like, controlable dreams? lol.


You can force a dream to be about something (Before you sleep, just think about it. Again and again and again), but you cannot control it while you are dreaming. It's not possible, don't tell me otherwise.

old Re: your nightmare

Deleted User

IDK, I just can do everything in it, like... flying. destroying everything, having sex?

old Re: your nightmare

User Off Offline

@user Yates:
Guess who's telling you otherwise? Me! It is possible to control your dreams. These 'controllable' dreams are usually when you are coming into a more conscious state, for example, every morning at about 6:15am I wake up. Just before this time, about 5am to 6am, I am more aware of what's happening. If someone had to quietly sneak into my room I would be able to wake up and beat the living hell out of them. It's this semi-conscious state when you can control your dreams. This shit happens to me often, I do it control my dreams, especially if there are any good looking women around..
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