Cookies for everyone!
Stranded II General ModellingModelling
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Cookies for everyone!
Heres a list of all the free 3D modelers that I remember.
Goggle sketchup
There are always tutorials, so just type the name of your modeller into google, + tutorial and you'll find some tutorials.
If you want to animate, use Milkshape (I personally hate this piece of shi... software, but I don't know better)
I use anim8tor in anim8ting my models.
However, to get my models to b3d format so that stranded 2 can use the animations. I expect to .an8 in anim8tor. Then I use Ani2pov to change it over to milkshape3d format. Then I use milkshape to change it to b3d.
Blender is the only really free animator that I know of. However, blender is... horrible... to understand in my opinion.
If your looking for just static model builds, I would suggest wings3D because of the easy to use, easy to learn user interface.
Double cookies!
EDIT:LOL,Just 4 minutes
Anim8or or Anim8tor???
edited 1×, last 07.09.11 02:22:27 am