
Standed GOLD?
12 replies

Re: Standed GOLD?
GuestGO CS2D


HW has written
Well, that's your opinion. But many other people, me included, like Stranded as much as CS2D or even more.
well i tried it and there is no multiplayer mode!!! and when i began there is no ammo on the island when i killed things !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you think you would find any ammo on an unsettled island? I don' think so. You would have to make primitive ammo for primitive weapons out of stone and wood etc.
And yes, there's no multiplayer mode, but most people sometimes want to play alone, that's what singleplayergames are for. And there could be a multiplayermode in Stranded 2. But it's not sure.

You have to survive, build something up and escape from the island.
edited 1×, last 06.09.06 10:05:49 pm

Ameer925 has written
is stranded really that fun? i will try
of course it is try it .....
Re: Standed GOLD?
Guest Ameer925 has written
this game sucks ,


theres 2 guns u can put in with the editor,so its kinda like cs2d,only ur shooting birds and natives
Super Mario is like Stranded II too: Both involve mushrooms.