Well I'm renting to 4 people so I'm happy enough with that
And I got permission to update this thread. So there's no need to keep posting about "No advertisements".
But keep going on about it if you like because your sort of bumping up my thread and increasing the possibility of me getting more people to rent
@Textual Context, I don't need a fancy website. This threads doing good enough
I Don't have a website for hosting, that website is for my clan/group 0.o
But keep going on about it if you like because your sort of bumping up my thread and increasing the possibility of me getting more people to rent
Who would rent a server from you, if they have already read that I give out even better servers for free? Eh? You're being naive, my friend.
Why are you posting in here if your not interested in renting servers ? I'm not being "naive", and I'm not your friend O.o .
And 4 people are renting so that's enough said. And you servers are not better, they just might be equal but that's about it. (don't know why i bother replying)
So please don't bother to post here, It's clear enough your not interested in renting servers.
all we need to do is bring up religion or something.. or argue about whos host is better!! >.>
and besides.. i dont think DC would like this thread... i sure as hell wouldnt, i wouldnt want this just to be a place where someone could make money.. i would want it to be a helpful place.. do you see other people advertising sever hosting? no. you dont
if u read the thread that was stickied you would read
"This forum is for troubleshooting, not for showing servers."
I'm offering That DC will Ban you or will Trash This Theard
i think Mosafa server are quite cheap.
But you said"Extra info: If your server ever crashes or gets ddosed, it restarts within a minute. And if you require to restart the server, you can use rcon quit as the server automatically restarts."
i dont wanna host a server if crashes or gets ddosed, it restarts within a minute. And if you require to restart the server, you can use rcon quit as the server
but Quite Cheap ":D
@Sparty, it's if it happens to crash which has a extremely low chance of happening, unless some no-lifer decides to ddos it. which has been happening to quite a few servers. using rcon to restart the server sucks but eh it works