I decided to translate it into English as a tribute to Psytechnic who will be making the house of gingerbread for this mod.
i thought you english speaking guys may also want to try it out, so here is the english release.
It is running well on the, which is included into that package. The will cause a little bug, but it is playable also.
Whats this all about actually?
Well i thought it would be nice to have a world full of food and candy and so on. You can eat almost everything you see, if you have a spoon equipped. Also you will have to take care of your weight, for you will loose speed if you are too fat! These features are included already, also some objects, units and items.
Interested? Further informations are in the readme and the changelog, which is included too.
here is the link! Enjoy your meal!

And as it goes with Alphas, here is a little bugfix for this release. Sorry about that

Here is a little texture update, this should resolve the low fps-rating, caused by textures, that have not been scaled properly. Thanks to BigSid for investigating that.
These files are to be copied into the gfx-folder and old files have to be replaced.
Calling it an Alpha means, that it is likely to be changed. If you see any bugs or errors, feel free to report them here. Also suggestions and critics are very welcome.
edited 5×, last 28.02.11 11:58:21 am