I've bin playing stranded for a wile now, I've finished adventure mode and tried my hand at massive mod(which i enjoy very much and still play!!!) once I finished the adventure mode I soon found the gmod stranded game mode, not being abble to add any thing to this i soon gave up modeling for gmod...I've played with the map editor some, but don't know much... i know no German so most of the form and mods i can't use...
my experience with Blender:
I love Blender, it's the reason i found stranded2, I was trying to use the game engine to make a simple game where you walk tough the woods avoiding the "enemy"(weird spider looking thing)(this project has bin lost) Blender is the only program I use and I have learned my way around it pretty well, still new to alot of it's feature tough...I'm not sure how to make the models use able in stranded buy I have seen threads that say you can, and I'm willing to learn.
Why I'm here:
After playing stranded2 I wanted more, now after finding this community I would like to try to contribute to a Stranded mod.
If you have a mod started and can type decent English I'm willing to try to do what i can to help, If I'm no good just say so, and I'll look to help else where,