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Poll Poll

AWP or Scout?

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48.78% (60)
36.59% (45)
4.88% (6)
I sux at sniping.
9.76% (12)
123 votes cast

old Poll AWP or Scout

User Off Offline

Scout - Light weight, small, low fire delay
AWP - Heavy, long fire delay, one hit kill (though if you miss you will probably die)

old Re: AWP or Scout

User Off Offline

Dude AWP the best weapon in Cs2d .
Good and strong , its heavy but wiht a pro hands like me its so light.

old Re: AWP or Scout

User Off Offline

both are good weapons.
but some ppl are better with scout than with awp,or awp than scout...

old Re: AWP or Scout

User Off Offline

Scout any day its the true pro sniper just like in all CS games besides it makes a good fire suppression gun in CTF maps

old Re: AWP or Scout

User Off Offline

I like the Scout more then the Awp.
The Awp fire delay is longer then the reload time.

old Re: AWP or Scout

Cure Pikachu
User On Online

I s*ck at sniping real players, but when it comes to static objects or bots, I think the Scout is better.

old Re: AWP or Scout


imho scout is kinda overpowered. doesnt require skill to use either.

old Re: AWP or Scout

User Off Offline

awp is better ofc
i dont know if you guys play vs players with armor, but if they have full armor u cant kill them if you use scout with 1 hit.

w/e if you miss with 1 of them ur dead

and i dont think scout is overpowered lol

old Re: AWP or Scout

User Off Offline

I have to shoot the block next to the player that he wants to walk on to kill him, or a player stopped walking

old Re: AWP or Scout

User Off Offline

The AWP is a nice choice for any individual player, but you have to be good at sniping because the weapon is very expensive, and you don't want to die everytime by stupid mistakes you could of prevented.

The Scout can be a great support/scare weapon.
shooting down across a particular area of the map can be very demotivating for your enemy team, and you'll certainly get someone pissed off to the fact he suddenly gets hit a by bullet and loses more than 50% hp. it's a great weapon for "area denial" because your enemy will not move through raining bullets of damaging sniper fire.

if an enemy is hit, he will generally tend to avoid the scout player, but he will get killed by your teammate, that's why it's a great support/softening weapon that is more forgivable than the AWP because it's cheaper and has a higher rate of fire. however, most great sniper players always choose the AWP above the scout, and they can really wreak havoc and fear on the enemy.

In fact i am good with both, see me playing in HC server and u will see that .

de_cs2d and construction maps are very easy for snipers, and imho isn't any rewarding because your just shooting in narrow passages and healing yourself in case of construction.
play in standard mode in maps such as dust or dust2, that's where you can see if you've got real skill with a sniper.
(that is, if the AWP/scout is not forbidden in the server)

old Re: AWP or Scout

User Off Offline

Oh ! good question. We there have scout and AWP . Iam hopefully vote AWP . Scout [sorry] su**. AWP [No problem] rocks and w00t it

old Re: AWP or Scout

User Off Offline

Scout in my opinion, since I usually miss on the first shot and then resort to my Five-Seven to finish the enemy off or attempt no-scopes on the enemy.

old Re: AWP or Scout

User Off Offline

Some time ago, I often used the Scout. But actually I think that, compared to the AWP, it's some kind of a noob weapon. It decreases the enemy a relatively high amount of hp and has a quicker fire rate, than the AWP. So you don't need so much skill, because if you miss, you got another chance just a second later, but with the AWP, you haven't got this chance. if you miss, you should run away or hide until you can fire again, so it's more risky. -> no risk no fun. - that's my opinion.

old Re: AWP or Scout

User Off Offline

Scout is light , so can use well
if no wear armor , and two zoom to hitted , u died
wear armor , 30 health , 0 ap
scout is a bit of weak ,
awp is strong ! but , so heavy , 4 second to delay (guess)
2 zoom , and shoot , will kill with one bullet

old Re: AWP or Scout

User Off Offline

lol AWP fire one shot and die but Scout too when you scope hes too fire one shot and die lol i vote AWP and Scout
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