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English New English voices

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old New English voices

User Off Offline

Hey there!

You probably don't remember me, but if you've been playing the game lately, you might remember my voice, because that's me asking if you expected that to work and telling you that the building site is ready (etc).

Well, it's been a loooong time since I did these recordings, and I've since invested in new gear for podcasts and such and also so I can do voice acting for indie games. Also, a few months back, someone contacted me because they were working on a multiplayer mod for S2, and they wanted me to do some new vocal cues. I said "yes, when I have time". I have time now.

Of course, with all-new gear and a few years of experience under my belt, I've decided to make sure that the sound stays consistent and am working on re-recording everything I originally did for S2!

I'm going through it alphabetically, so if you want to listen to the building site bits and the new intro, check this out:

It's all in .ogg and ready for the game if you wish to try them out in action. I've yet to try them out myself, so let me know how they work out. They should be a thousand times clearer and crisper than the originals, but let me know if you feel the acting is okay and such.

PS: I've realised that the way I did it in the original files, he was talking to YOU as a separate entity, so I will be reading him as speaking to himself instead. So instead of chastising you, going "Did you expect that to work?" he'll say "How did I expect that to work?". For example.

EDIT: I've reuploaded the file with all original talking replaced.
edited 1×, last 27.05.10 10:38:53 pm

old Re: New English voices

Admin Off Offline

nice work Magnulus! thank you very much for your efforts

I'll replace the old sounds with the new ones when I re-pack the SII download next time.

old Re: New English voices

User Off Offline

Thanks! I'm working my way through them, so I'll upload a full package once they're all replaced, perhaps later today.

Somoene Evil: Absolutely. The plan is that these will replace the original ones I did as the official English voice, so why not?

old Re: New English voices

User Off Offline

Nice work!

But... buildingsite4.ogg sounds toward the end like your walking away from the mic... or in some way muffling microphone...

I haven't tested them ingame yet, so I won't say anything more.

old Re: New English voices

User Off Offline

Lion_Hearted: It does sound a bit weird. I think it's just that I trail off a bit at the end. I stifle the "I've" in "I've set up the building site" as well. I'll probably redo that one once I'm done with the rest. Thanks!

Thanks, Crazyx!

(I'm doing the positives right now, so I should be done quite soon for anyone who would like to play with them.)

PS: Anyone tried running S2 on a Netbook? D'you think it'll work out all right in terms of performance? My working computer is an iMac, y'see, so I'm waiting until I've replaced everything before I try to add them in.

EDIT: There we go! I've updated the file with all the sounds I originally made replaced. Hope you enjoy!

EDIT 2: Just tried it on my Netbook. Seems the vocals are a bit low compared to the sfx, at least in the intro. Could just be the netbook speakers, but I could barely hear the intro vocals. They're the same level as the original sounds in the editing program. On a positive note: It works swimmingly on this computer! Yay!
edited 2×, last 27.05.10 11:29:57 pm

old Re: New English voices

User Off Offline

I play stranded 2 on my laptop all the time.

I run windows XP as an operating system, and the laptop is an Acer. The best laptop anybody could buy as far as I'm considered.

However, I do have to admit, all laptop sound systems are somewhat flat in their pitch.

I use headphones as there is no problem with the actual laptop, its just a problem with the speakers as they are compressed to the point where they can't handle high pitched vibrations which add variety and pitch to the sounds.

By the way,

I just took a look at the new download, a couple of things I noticed, I don't know if that's because it was intentional or accidental. I'm just trying to help...
By the way, excellent job on fixing the buildingsite4.ogg

The "will" in the phrase sounds more like "woall" perhaps its just me and my own accent, but I thought it sounded weird...

The "yeah" sounds more like "your"...

nospace5.ogg seems to cut off before your done speaking... same with nospace7.ogg and nospace8.ogg

By the way, I loved the emotion transmitted in nospace6.ogg. good work!

Positive2.ogg either cuts off, or you don't put the "t" in great... of course, it could be cause of my accent that I notice it.

Of course these are just tips that I found while listening to them... I listened to them from the folder, and I don't know how they will sound ingame.

Otherwise... you wanna do sounds for Alienation!

old Re: New English voices

User Off Offline

Yeah, there's definitely something wrong with your audio software. Or, rather, not something that's wrong, but it cuts off any files about half a second or a second before they're actually done playing. I remember seeing a problem like that before, perhaps last time I did did these voices. They cut off fairly quickly after I'm done talking, in order to save space and such, so that's probably why the end is a bit short for your software. They should work just fine in-game.

On the note of the talking, it sounds to me as if it's enunciated quite clearly, so it might just be a question of accent.

EDIT: Oh, and what's this Alienation thing?!

old Re: New English voices

User Off Offline

I recognized your name as soon as I saw it. It's funny that this is about the first time you've been on this forum (at least as far as I've noticed)

old Re: New English voices

User Off Offline

Hahah, I'll take that as a compliment! I tend to say I grow on people... like a yeast infection. I was fairly active for a short time, actually, back when S2 was still new and I was doing the original voices. However, I have a tendency to drop off forums fairly quickly. Only about two I've actually stuck around on since the mid nineties.
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