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English Anybody want to help make a mod

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old Anybody want to help make a mod

User Off Offline

I just need a few people to help me.

1: Scipter
2: Model Maker

I can be map maker im good with maps.

if Anybody wants to help Please Reply or send me a mesg

old Re: Anybody want to help make a mod

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I want to make a mod Like Where You was in a normal city
and then you go to a airplane Going to over to artic ocean then your plane crashes. Only thing you have on your back Your Backpack Warm Clothing And Some wine (can be used for "Fire fluid") Also I want to learn how to make a new bar called warmth

old Re: Anybody want to help make a mod

Someone Evil
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I can help, I love scripting. Primary Dialogs and Shops, but hell yeah, I'll do something else.

However keep me out of modelling.

Probably the first to do is write a full adventure storyline, then you can make a map creation manual, and then start the creation. Too get a good mod like this, you'll need too put in a lot of work.

old Re: Anybody want to help make a mod

User Off Offline

Somoene Evil has written
I can help, I love scripting. Primary Dialogs and Shops, but hell yeah, I'll do something else.

However keep me out of modelling.

Probably the first to do is write a full adventure storyline, then you can make a map creation manual, and then start the creation. Too get a good mod like this, you'll need too put in a lot of work.

Cool This will Be awesome. Thanks for the help!

i need help making a wooden rectangle wall
edited 2×, last 21.05.10 07:28:21 pm
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