Indiana266 has written
Randomly animating fists?
The fishing animation is finished before you catch the fish, can I somehow fix this in my own game, like changing the script?
Yeah, just find the definition for the animation on the hands (they're units) that are a little fast and change the play rate of the animation.
for example, if it's the idle animation you wanna slow:
ani_idle=<start frame>,<end frame>,<frame rate>
lower the frame rate for a longer animation @ Psytechnic: basically you're right, but in this case, the solution of the following:
open the file 'items_tools.inf' (can be found in sys-folder of game) scoll down until fishingrod-item (ID=50) and find following code: 1
on:attack2 {
		if ($s2g_player_weapon==50) {
			animate $hands, 11, 43, 0.15, 3;
		jade 2.5;
		event "iskill_fish","global";
and change in this row: 1
animate $hands, 11, 43, 0.15, 3;
to this: 1
animate $hands, 11, 43, 0.12, 3;
try out other values for this maybee '0.12-0.129'; '0.13' is too fast.
The commands for animating hands are all into item/tool or weapon -definitions
Hope this helps a little
27-12-10 : time to post some progresses of Stranded 2.5.
only pictures/ no Download

edited 2×, last 27.12.10 09:10:36 pm
Too realistic texture!
I liked stranded 2 but this is awesome keep up the good work and maybe create an even better stranded
Here is nothing new happend, for a long time ago, it seems so ...
But that's not true, here is a (brand)new Palm-patch
Download here, or at first post.
Content: palm trees and bushes with masked textures, fences, poison flower and water lily, have fun while throwing eggs
+ a script for random islands-Palm Island and a little surprise
Nice looking plants!!! Very nice! Looks very real (for stranded). I have to say this is one of the best releases yet. BiGSiD where can i download the hands??? bigsid i download the palm path but when the download ends it download a notepad with a lot of words and numbers what's the filename of your download-file : 'Stranded2.5_Palm-Patch_en.rar' ?
maybe you need winrar to extract the files?
or you hit the wrong downloadbutton ... hey bigsig where can i download the thing when you hit the wood it leaves like marks edited 2×, last 22.01.11 06:18:00 pm
Admin/mod comment
Stop pushing this thread. /Leiche You can't download it at the moment, it's still in work and we need a few changes in the Source Code to complete it. Further not every model is finished, the trees out of the video are outdated again :D. i dont know why can't i download the leaftree patch and it says in the file Rar! Ïs
tÀ€. à @B ‘°s.²©c=3 StrandedII.exe ÑTÌÈјm7;$R5( ‚²Æá[(äc€ä‰ and more...
Ok, I have a suggestion, if you are up to it. It's pretty simple, I would imagine. all of your tree models (which are amazing by the way!) have vines and leaves and such hanging down. This looks very nice, but you can't walk through them, which causes some irritation. You think you would be able to edit a few of the models (ie - Liana tree's, fir's, etc..) that have leaves close to the ground so that you can walk through those parts? It is awfully hard to walk through a forest if tiny leaves stop me from moving!
I know what you mean.
I also caught up in pine trees
(and died!!) by the way the needles hurt the player now
thats one of the next things, we will made.
The treemodell will be 'cutted' into 2 or more parts, e.g. tree01_trunk, tree01_leaves. so the leaves have no collision when its a separate modell with 'col=0' def.
the trees will created as a 'bundle', it very difficult to figure it out how, but we're on the right way. This should be released with lumbering-patch, within the next 2-3month
(hope u understand me
@carloskiller: u need winrar (
i used winrar to keep filesize smaller with rar-archive+solidarchive, as zip-file it will be the double-size well thanks for the winrar but when i copy the file to stranded 2 says that the file gfx/trees/tannenweig_m.png is broken and when i strart the game some threes look white what should i do now? mhh, i've no problems with downloading and copy (into right path), it works well ...
Please download again and try out, do you download via UMTS or cable? (^ to the previous reply.) Awesome! And yes, I understand you.
I can't wait! I think that your models of the trees are my favorite I've ever seen. Especially the biggest of the Liana trees. Very cool looking. Good for haunted house maps or swamps!
keep it up! the code for the tent has a "}" for "if ($notusable==0){" missing.