in fire mod everything is on fire except all units, so buildings, weapons, and items will be on fire but never ruined or destroyed.
Water mod is where you live underwater.
TF2 mod will not be multiplayer until mp mod gets major fixes, but it will have a weapons, maps for certain classes, and the spy should be able to backstab and disguise.
007 mod is where you get various weapons and shoot at soldiers (hidden ingame) that are everywhere. Farming mod will have things like cows that you can milk then put it in a butter churn to make butter, chickens you can get eggs from and cook the eggs, sheep you can get wool from with shears, etc.
Hunting mod will be so advanced in hunting and i want to see if i can get crosshairs on it so you can kill the animal, and you can choose the location based on maps You all should know what Survival is.