Stranded II
What do you do first when you start Adventure?
What do you do first when you start Adventure?
6 replies First I just gather crates and just live in the mountains. I usually hunt for lions with my slingshot that uses teeth or claws. But I always seem to die and throw up now and then when it's 3 or 2 days later. Sounds like you're using Massive Mod? The throwing up is caused by food poisoning, which you have a chance to get if you don't cook food. I always seem to not make fire with 2 flints. I made a campfire. but every hit cause it to not start. Is this normal?
Edit- Woops. Maybe I could have thought of putting some bark in the fireplace first. i collect all items in crates, make a shelter and fireplace near mountains and forest, plant grain and grapes and hunt lions with spears and everything else with a slingshot
and then i try to complete the story @havoc which mod are you using
if its massive mod then ask builder
but if it is normal adventure
then your fireplace will be wet First? Gather items from crates, hit tree for a branch, hit rock for a stone and combine into hammer. Next I build shetler on mountain with watersource near lions. i gather the objects from the crates , get some food , some meterals , then make a bow , then make some TF2 crit arrows which i scripted and coded myself , btw what are you asking that for?