if (mpoints[id] > 0) then
Helped me a lot

if (mpoints[id] > 0) then
addhook("team","pointstwo") addhook("hit","points") function points(id) function pointstwo(id,team) if team == 2 then parse("setmoney "..id.." "..(player(id,"money")+10)) end end end
addhook("hit","points") function points(id) parse("setmoney "..id.." "..(player(id,"money")+10) end
addhook("hit","points") function points(id,source) 	if player(source,"team")~=player(id,"team") then 		parse("setmoney "..source.." "..(player(source,"money")+10)) 	end end
addhook("hit","points") function points(id,source) 	if player(source,"team")~=player(id,"team") and player(source,"money")<=15990 then 		parse("setmoney "..source.." "..(player(source,"money")+10)) 	end end
addhook("attack","points") function points(id) parse("setmoney "..id.." "..(player(id,"money")+10)) end
function whit(v,s,w) 	if w==74 then 		return 1; 	end end addhook('hit','whit')
addhook("ms100","ms_hud") function ms_hud() for id = 1,32 do if (player(id,"exists")) then parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 44 "©000255000This Script was made by Batlaizys " 220 13') end end end
addhook("kill","updateScores") function updateScores(killer,victim,weapon,x,y) 	local sum = 0 	for i=1,32 do 		if (player(i,"exists")) and (player(i,"team")) == (player(killer,"team")) then 			sum = sum + player(i,"score") 		end 	end 	if sum > 74 then 		local wintrigger = "win"..(player(killer,"team")) 		parse("trigger "..wintrigger) 	end end addhook("startround","rest") function rest() 	for i=1,32 do 		if (player(i,"exists")) then 			parse("setdeaths "..i.." 0") 			parse("setscore "..i.." 0") 		end 	end end