2.yes you can use both
3.yes i did repeat me (lol)
no it's not txt its message

edited 1×, last 24.11.10 10:59:03 pm
addhook("say","example") function example(p,t) 	if t == "exaple_text" then 		[my function] 	end end
function sequip(id,...) 	for i = 1,#arg do 		parse([[equip ]]..id..[[ ]]..arg[i]) 	end end
function checkweapon(id,weapon) local weapons = playerweapons(id) for i = 1, #weapons do if weapons[i] == weapon then return true end end return false end
addhook("kill","minigun") function minigun(killer) if kills == nil then kills = 0 end kills=kills+1 end addhook("say","quests") function quests(id,t) if t == "!quest1" then if kills == nil then kills = 0 end if kills <= 1 then kills = 0 end msg("Kill 10 enemies to complete quest!") if t == "!info" then msg("You killed: "..kills..", Need to kill 10!") end if kills == 10 then msg("You complete the quest!") end end end
function Array(m,v) 	local array = {} 	if m == nil then m = tonumber(game("sv_maxplayers")) end 	if v == nil then v = 0 end 	for i = 1,m do 		array[i] = v 	end 	return array end kills = Array()
addhook("kill","minigun") function minigun(killer) if kills == nil then kills = 0 end kills=kills+1 end addhook("say","quests") function quests(id,t) if t == "!quest1" then if kills == nil then kills = 0 end if kills <= 1 then kills = 0 end msg("Kill 10 enemies to complete quest!") if t == "!info" then msg("You killed: "..kills..", Need to kill 10!") end if kills == 10 then msg("You complete the quest!") end end end
addhook("kill","minigun") function minigun(killer) kills[id]=kills[id]+1 end addhook("say","quests") function quests(id,t) if t == "!quest1" then msg("Kill 10 enemies to complete quest!") if t == "!info" then msg("You killed: "..kills[id]..", Need to kill 10!") if kills[id] == 10 then msg("You complete the quest!") end end end end
kills = initArray(32)
function initArray(m) 	local array={} 	for i=1,m do 		array[i]=0 	end 	return array end
function initArray(m) local array = {} for i = 1, m do array[i]=0 end return array end level=initArray(32) exp=initArray(32) credits=initArray(32) hacker=initArray(32) function string.split(text,b) local cmd = {} if b then b = b else b = "%s" end b = "[^"..b.."]+" for o in string.gmatch(text,b) do table.insert(cmd,o) end return cmd end if hacker==nil then hacker={} end hacker={} addhook("second","hack") function hack() if (hacker[id]==1) then credits[id]=credits[id]+15 	end end addhook("spawn","class") function class(id) parse("equip "..id.." 56") -- Equips Ct's with defuse kit. hacker[id] = 1 -- The Hacker Special is on 	parse("strip "..id)
admin_usgn = {18724,28429} addhook("team","adminteam") function adminteam(id,team) 	if team == 2 then 			if player(id,"usgn") == admin_usgn then 				return 0 			else 				return 1 			end 		end 	end end
admin_usgn = {18724,28429} addhook("team","adminteam") function adminteam(id,team) 	if team == 2 then 		if player(id,"usgn") == admin_usgn then 			return 0 		else 			return 1 		end 	end end