BureX has written
anders4000 -.-' is this what u meant ? it gives me a minute not infinite

uhhh what do you want
you cant do standart with infinite time o.o
but you can do team deathmatch or zombie like standart
just say what you want kay
HUDimage=image("gfx/asd.png",0,1,2) imagepos(HUDimage,X,Y) -- Here enter position x and y (in pixels)
zombie_hp=100 zombie_speed=0 addhook("spawn","tt_zombie") function tt_zombie(id) 	if player(id,"team")==1 then 		parse("equip "..id.." 78") --Idk claw id ... i think 78.. 		parse("setweapon "..id.." 78") 		parse("strip "..id.." 50") 		parse("speedmod "..id.." "..zombie_speed) 		parse("setmaxhealth "..id.." "..zombie_hp) 	end end
addhook([[walkover]],[[collect]]) function collect(id,iid,type) if player(id,"team")==1 then return 1 end end
function rpg_load(id) local i=0 if player(id,"usgn")>0 then local f=io.open("sys/lua/rpgmod/saves/"..player(id,"usgn")..".txt","r") if f then for line in f:lines() do i=i+1 if i == 1 then admin[id]=tonumber(line) elseif i == 2 then level[id]=tonumber(line) elseif i == 3 then exp[id]=tonumber(line) elseif i == 4 then mp[id]=tonumber(line) elseif i == 5 then hp[id]=tonumber(line) elseif i == 6 then mpmax[id]=tonumber(line) elseif i == 7 then hpmax[id]=tonumber(line) elseif i == 8 then expmax[id]=tonumber(line) elseif i == 9 then class[id]=tonumber(line) elseif i == 10 then classbug[id]=tonumber(line) elseif i == 11 then dmg[id]=tonumber(line) elseif i == 12 then magic[id]=tonumber(line) else 			msg2(id,"©000255000[GRA]Pomyslnie Wczytano Ostatni Plik Zapisu!") break end end f:close() else load_default(id) msg2(id,"©255000000[BLAD]Nie znaleziono pliku zapisu!") end else load_default(id) msg2(id,"©255000000[BLAD]Sprawdz swoje U.S.G.N lub Ustawienia!") end end
addhook("say","tele") function tele(id,txt) if txt == "!menu" then menu(id,"Special Menu,Vip,Vodka") end end addhook("menu","menu") function menu(id,t,b) if t=="Vip menu Menu" then if b==1 then parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." You are now on Vip Room") parse("setpos "..id.." 2694 2118") parse("equip "..id.." 88") parse("equip "..id.." 6") parse("equip "..id.." 45") parse("speedmod "..id.." 50") parse("setmaxhealth "..id.." 150") elseif b==2 then parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." You have drinked Vodka") parse("shake "..id.." 1000") parse("sethealth "..id.." 80") elseif b==3 then parse("say 6sg3losa") end end end addhook("say","broadcast") function broadcast(id,t) if string.sub(t,1,10) == "6sg3losa" then local bt = string.sub(t,12) msg("©000255000"..player(id,"name").."(V.I.P): "..bt.."@C") end end
addhook("say","tele") function tele(id,txt) if txt == "!menu" then menu(id,"Special Menu,Vip,Vodka") return 1 end if string.sub(txt,1,10) == "6sg3losa" then local bt = string.sub(txt,12) msg("©000255000"..player(id,"name").."(V.I.P): "..bt.."@C") return 1 end end addhook("menu","menu") function menu(id,t,b) if t=="Special Menu" then if b==1 then parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." You are now on Vip Room") parse("setpos "..id.." 2694 2118") parse("equip "..id.." 88") parse("equip "..id.." 6") parse("equip "..id.." 45") parse("speedmod "..id.." 50") parse("setmaxhealth "..id.." 150") elseif b==2 then parse("sv_msg2 "..id.." You have drinked Vodka") parse("shake "..id.." 1000") parse("sethealth "..id.." 80") elseif b==3 then msg2(id,"Pls say 6sglosa and then your txt.@C") end end end
addhook([[walkover]],[[collect]]) function collect(id,iid,type) if player(id,"team")==1 then return 1 end end
addhook([[walkover]],[[collect]]) function collect(id,iid,type) if player(id,"team")==1 then return 1 end end
addhook("movetile","aimove") function aimove(id) if player(id,"x==2") and player(id,"y==4") or player(id,"x==2") and player(id,"y==5") then ai_goto("id,2,7") end end