Stranded II General Do you want models?Do you want models?
22 replies Hurri04 has written
you can convert the model into b3d directly using milkshape3d. you have to pay for it but it is a very good program for modelling and animating (though I havent animated anything in it yet, just made some models).
Yeah, but I'm losing the animations when I export to the 3DS format, so even if I loaded that up for conversion in milkshape, the file itself doesn't have any animation information, so although I could make the unit in 3DS, I'd have to animate in Milkshape. It's hard enough getting used to 3D Studio Max. I don't really wanna have to learn how to animate and export in Milkshape. I was hoping there was some way of keeping the animations.
At the moment, I'm using a bit of a complicated method and the animation frames are temperamental.
The first unit I made (a running egg), I had to export to .X format using the Panda plugin for 3DSMax, the use Milkshape to convert to B3D, but like I said, the animation frames don't convert correctly all the time.