
There must be a source for that weird link somewhere though. Hm

edited 1×, last 18.11.20 12:11:04 am

Also https://w.w.w.unrealsoftware.de gives you an unsafe notification.
So I assume it's just the internet being weird?

EDIT: HTTPS https://anything-here-with-any-amount-of-dots.usgn.de/ redirects you to Unreal Software's Carnage Contest website...USGN Hijacker's trick was revealed

I really have no idea what the hell is going on here.
edited 5×, last 18.11.20 11:23:50 am
My only question is why Google indexed that weird w.ww stuff. Someone must have used that link somewhere.
Whatever... doesn't really matter.
edited 1×, last 21.11.20 09:43:01 am
The bigger problem is that it has no HTTPS.
Btw, the IP address does redirect to UnrealSotware.
I tell you even one more thing, even this hostname redirects to the Unrealsoftware.

Did you misread my post?
The IP does not redirect to the domain name, and because of that, it will remain on HTTP.
Also, how do you want to fix this?
It depends a lot on the host.

Assuming he runs his dedicated server of course it is possible, but I still don't see what would be the purpose of that?

edited 1×, last 01.03.21 10:05:01 pm doesn't redirect to Unreal Software or U.S.G.N..
The bigger problem is that it has no HTTPS.
The bigger problem is that it has no HTTPS.
I'm using Let's Encrypt. They don't offer IP certificates. Therefore I can't provide SSL/HTTPS for direct IP access.
Having no IP certificate shouldn't be a problem at all. That's because you are supposed to only use the domain names to access the websites. If you do so you won't have any problems.
Only U.S.G.N. uses the IP directly (in games) but this is UDP without any SSL or certificate anyway.

Can you update the bottom text
"... are games by Unreal Software 2003-2019" to 2021