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Englisch Reviewers wanted

87 Antworten
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alt hi

User Off Offline

I would recommend @user Gaios: to be a reviewer)) and is the best scripter

alt Re: Reviewers wanted

User Off Offline

I think I can help here cause I m here for last 5 yrs nd I want to help this community. I just need a trial to show how I can help.

alt Re: Reviewers wanted

Moderator Off Offline

My votes go for a lot of the people here, they're good members of the community. user Raisun for his graphics work, user Yates has enough experience in most fields to be a good reviewer (surprise), user Time for his mapping skills, user Cure Pikachu has been here for ages so I'd say he knows what's what, user CY for his graphics work definitely, user Avo for his participation in the community. Many others too, there's plenty of great candidates applying.

alt Re: Reviewers wanted

Admin Off Offline

I've made my decision. I didn't take much time for evaluation to be honest. Please don't be mad if I didn't choose you. My decision was mainly based on the activity in the file archive (with one major indicator being the number of written comments).

The new reviewers are:
user CY
user Yates
user Seekay
user Infinite Rain
user Sparty

√ To all moderators and reviewers: please note these general guidelines about reviewing:

• Take a look at the "history" of a file before declining
Take a look at the following numbers: downloads, likes, comments, creation date!
if there are many comments please also read some to get a better picture. You should never decline files which are/were very popular!
• Be clear about your decline reason
Please try to choose a good reason when declining files. Don't hesitate to add a short description if necessary. Everyone can see who declined something and why. Users may contact you if they don't understand your reason. It's better to be as open and clear as possible.

• Be very generous with files in non-CS2D sections
There are not many files in these sections so even files which clearly don't fit all rules should be accepted. The cleanup focus is definitely on the CS2D section!

• Try to be as objective as possible
This should be clear but I want to emphasize it. Never ever decline a file because of personal things. If you had trouble with the creator: Better don't review the file and skip to the next one!

• Whenever you are unsure...
... it's probably okay to accept the file. But if you really can't decide: Just skip. Please do not contact me (DC) in such cases. I will care about such cases myself when I have time because I will do reviews too.

• If you are not happy with the review decision of someone else: Talk about it!
In this case you should contact that person and talk about it. It's better than simply changing the review state. Find a solution together. Avoid fights about the "right" review.

Thank you all very much in advance! You are great! Such a system couldn't work without such a great community!
1× editiert, zuletzt 03.12.15 23:14:40

alt Re: Reviewers wanted

Infinite Rain
Reviewer Off Offline

Factis gets his shiny title back, guys.

Congratulations to everyone who also received the reviewer titles! I'm especially happy for user Yates, that guy really deserves it.

alt Re: Reviewers wanted

Cure Pikachu
User On Online

@user Infinite Rain: Don't get cocky there now.

I definitely respect user DC 's choices - these people also have a "portfolio" to back it up.

One last question before this gets closed: 12 reviewers (that includes the moderators and user DC) is enough for now, but will there be a time we need more?

alt Re: Reviewers wanted

Moderator Off Offline

Lately, this forum needs more activity rather than people to moderate it.

alt Re: Reviewers wanted

Admin Off Offline

@user Cure Pikachu: It should be enough to deal with the huge amount of unreviewed files in the archive over the next few weeks/months.

After reviewing all the existing files the current number of people who can review will probably be a bit high. This is not a problem but not every reviewer will have stuff to review every day then.

So no, I don't expect that we need more reviewers soon. But we can simply add more if we need more. We could also change who is reviewer so more people have the chance to do it - but first let's see what happens

alt Re: Reviewers wanted

Cure Pikachu
User On Online

@user zazz:
user DC hat geschrieben
But we can simply add more if we need more. We could also change who is reviewer so more people have the chance to do it - but first let's see what happens

This answers your question. TL;DR, yes, but only when user DC needs it.

alt Re: Reviewers wanted

Moderator Off Offline

I kinda respect user DC's choice about these Re-viewers too. Hope these guys will do the job (I am confident that they will).

alt Re: Reviewers wanted

Reviewer Off Offline

I really like the button which takes you to a random file. I almost forgot about uploads from user smnnn & user Majatek for example. I'm going to redownload them :3

alt Haha, yes!

Reviewer Off Offline

I totally forgot about user Majatek too. Come to think of it, I think I'm some kind of duplicate of him when I'm looking at his artworks..
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