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Englisch Why is so many Hackers in Cs2d?

34 Antworten
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alt Re: Why is so many Hackers in Cs2d?

BANNED Off Offline

I think you know why hacker always win, hacker does not use brain to win, just pray and play
Say about hacker, i know user which want hack this website, he is user quickfingers.

I don't see any problem.
Make server USGN only, and if you see cheater ban his IP & USGN.
SpeedHack, AimBot, and any other possible cs2d cheat user would be banned.
(not including Remote control, DoS)
But probably you still wont do it because you too stupid to do it, you guys just crying in forums and not trying to change anything. DC made best protection against cheaters and you are not using it, how intelligent you are.

alt Re: Why is so many Hackers in Cs2d?

User Off Offline

@user Evaldas: But you didn't revive this to post a solution. You clearly only revived this just to insult user DaisukeOno's intelligence.
And just because something did something stupid (making a dumb thread), that doesn't give you any good reason to do something equally stupid (reviving the dumb thread).

Also, your solution is shit lol. That doesn't effectively stop cheaters and it just shrinks your audience.

alt Re: Why is so many Hackers in Cs2d?

BANNED Off Offline

@user J192: Really? So please share how they will bypass "USGN only"?
Multi accounts?
Its will be DC's and UnrealSoftware's moderator's job to handle them.
And to register new acc it takes more time then just change IP.
(to change IP usually it takes only ~10sec)

But for you probably best solution would be to do nothing.

alt Re: Why is so many Hackers in Cs2d?

User Off Offline

@user Evaldas: Yes, you get a little less cheaters, but you also get a lot less audience. The drawback outweighs the benefit.
Can't you just simply ban the cheaters and move on?

user Evaldas hat geschrieben
But for you probably best solution would be to do nothing.
What is that supposed to mean?

alt Re: Why is so many Hackers in Cs2d?

BANNED Off Offline

kjashdkjasdh hat geschrieben
Its will be DC's and UnrealSoftware's moderator's job to handle them.

Its DC and moderators problem, they should search for solution how to stop it.

• For DC I could recommend then he bans Account he should also ban IP and Cookies.

• Also he should search for free VPN/Proxy IP list so he could simply add them to blacklist also check headers for "X-Forwarded-For" if it is sent.

• Emails should be allowed from GMail and Yahoo it takes bit more time to create them then just use temporary mails.

• Should be added rule: Cheating programs/Exploits, should be reported DC with PM because it can take sometime until DC will see and fix this problem, and if kids would see this info they will probably use it.
Do you remember what happen then some guy posted about fast-reload bug? Servers was down for few weeks, if not more.

Also does anyone work with LUA anti-cheat anymore? I remember where was something like this, where lua could detect cheaters using scope hacks and etc.

Also hackers.
Where was a lot threads how their "Servers got DDoS/Crashed" most people are recommending IPTables but why nobody is using them, talked with few popular server administrators and where wasn't any server with firewall. Because they think they can't stop huge DDoS attacks, but hey now you can't even stop small dos! So after few DoS attacks were will be again another spammer wawe. Cheaters/Hackers Same shit you don't use anything what could help.

In the end
Do what you want, just don't post in forum about DDoSers and Cheaters again. Here in this forum, was already posted solutions. Use search button and don't forget to read FAQ.


alt Re: Why is so many Hackers in Cs2d?

Moderator On Online

Eh, wondering why you revived this thread but first of all, I have to disagree with some of your points.

user Evaldas hat geschrieben
Its DC and moderators problem, they should search for solution how to stop it.

Don't expect user DC and moderators of this website have to care about it 24/7. We may ban other accounts that involve cheating acts but still cheaters will find other solutions to cheat (e.g. creating other accounts again and again) and so on.
user Evaldas hat geschrieben
• For DC I could recommend then he bans Account he should also ban IP and Cookies.

Cookies? U wot me mate?? Probably you mean Multi-accounts but not Cookies... Also what if an IP is dynamic? You'll start simply banning shit tons of IPs and still there's no end.
user Evaldas hat geschrieben
• Also he should search for free VPN/Proxy IP list so he could simply add them to blacklist also check headers for "X-Forwarded-For" if it is sent.

There is a project named Blacklist (see thread cs2d [Blacklist] Some security for your server) started by user Starkkz but unfortunately, is dead (since he didn't post any new infos regard the current situation of this project). Moreover, user DC can't pay for other servers, VPN, etc. (in fact, he said it countless of times).
user Evaldas hat geschrieben
• Emails should be allowed from GMail and Yahoo it takes bit more time to create them then just use temporary mails.

They can create mails from two too, you know. Don't forget even the innocents who use a different mail, so why you should prevent also other people who aren't involved in cheating?

This is what just is unfortunately.

alt Re: Why is so many Hackers in Cs2d?

User Off Offline

@user Mami Tomoe: if used correctly without telling "yo dude, you have that cookie we set last time you were using other account, that's why we're gonna ban you right now" then it can be pretty effective.

Email provider whitelist is a shitty idea, but one could in theory make a blacklist. This doesn't change much though

Keeping a server cheater-free is, in the end, admins' responsibility. As most of them are kids themselves, they tend to abuse admin powers TO CHEAT. Admins are cheating, Carl! It's even so common, that I've seen a player claiming that user EnderCrypt, being the admin of his server, cheats, although he did not.
Most blatant cheaters are using speedhacks that don't require any special ability to detect them. And there's no one around on a server to ban them.
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