Hi all, i newbie..
how to create clan free ?
plz.. Admin/mod comment
"Clans" is a very generic topic. Please choose more accurate topics in future. Fixed /DC DC Admin Offline
You basically just say that you have a clan. There are no regulations for that.
Say that you have a clan now
Find people who join your clan
Optionally: Create a clan server and website etc. You must have friends. That's enough. And remember to create a tag for your clan. I mean, if your name is KilleR, then u think of clan named [Rgb]. Then use tag like [Rgb] KilleR. how to create website/server ? Most simple way is to go to ProBoards. You can create your own clan forum here. Contact me in PM, if you need some more info from me about creating a forum. So you want a clan making tutorial sounds interesting. You just need to do:
Create your own forum (Forumotion is an example of a free creating forum website);
Getting a VPS by paying it or getting a free VPS (vps.me and FreeVPS are example of them);
Choose what kind of clan do you want to create (if you want to make it competitive or not); XoOt Super User Offline
Dont misslead him, there's no way to create a clan for free, you have to pay me 50 € every month, otherwise i will close your clan.
The clanorganizingmanagement
Spoiler actually you dont have to do anything except saying you got a clan called xyz. You dont even need members to have a clan
I will give you a simple steps, I hope it will help you:
Find a really nice clan name, that interest and surprise the player.
You must be active at least 4-5 hours, to let the players know that you have a clan.
You must be a professional player.
You must have a nice server.
Create a nice Forum/Website.
Offer players to join your clan.
Be friendly with your teamate, and with players.
That's it, as simple as that. Make a forum.
Use SMF forums, it looks good.
Check youtube tutorials and lears. i just make a forum , next what ? pls help me i want make my clan 1uP User Offline
Set a tag, ex:[KIDS] , and post it in cs2d clan history topic. Gather a team with your friends.
Meet your buddies using teamspeak3 at ts3.cs2d.net (when you join, ask admin to make a channel for you)
Also set up an alternative, like skype group/facebook/whatsapp
Then decide how you will be called
Congratulations, you have a clan now as long as your team mates join ts3 regularly
//Don't even bother with forum, no one will visit it anyway.
//Start visiting cs2d.net to get familiar with other clans, ask someone to let you use their server sometimes Quote
Optionally: Create a clan server and website etc.
I guess really soon I'll provide hosting webhosts.