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old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Idiot Off Offline

I don't get it Shawni. Why can't anyone make a joke, even if they're not that funny?

Obviously someone gets butthurt over references.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

user KimKart has written
I don't get it Shawni. Why can't anyone make a joke, even if they're not that funny?

Obviously someone gets butthurt over references.

Make the joke some where else, it's really annoying to turn a serious thread into a trashed off-topic ( it'll happens sometimes later, but just delay it. )

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Reviewer Off Offline

user Alistaire has written
user Shawni has written
serious thread into a trashed off-topic

It's made by Yates, this can't be a serious thread.

Never gonna give you up.

old closed New HOST cs2D

User Off Offline

hamarosan egy magyar szerver HOST ott nyitok!!! Weblapcím:nemérhetőel pillanatnyilag!!
_By:|GSM|eNOC sL# <--- Server manager!!!∗

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Super User Off Offline

user Crypt: Only english post allowed... I know you are hungarian, because i am same too.. but please comments in english... i don't think that host will run more than 1 weeks anyway

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Infinite Rain
Reviewer Off Offline

I'm sorry for off topic, and won't mind being banned for that (like it would change something if I would mind).
But I have a question, are game banned users such as Qrchack allowed to play Unreal Software games at all?

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

BANNED Off Offline

remove this i don't want ban at all lol
edited 1×, last 03.12.13 03:41:00 pm

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

DC wie könnte ich z.B. allen die Waffe geben also nicht nur einen bestimmten??

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old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Newbie lvl1
User Off Offline

sorry im milush_k because i open my server from 13:30 to 19:30 and my lua on the server is RPG Houses and its an old version
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