not really a new weapon, but perhaps some sort of item or tool that could be used to repair multiple buildings at once and barbed wire/gatefields on the floor?
this and a setobjecthealth command for buildings and NPCs.
Bullets shot are projectiles which requires time to travel instead of an instant bullet and it does not penetrate players. I don't think it could be made to travel fast enough to be at bullet speed though.
I like EpicCrysis's idea. Also I still think an extendable view for snipers would be nice but I realize it could give teams on team-talk an immediate advantage, the sniper being the spotter for the assault rifles to fire. It would also take the game mechanics off-balance, so it would need something like the AWP's fire rate taken even further down or the Scout's angle variance to increase etc.
Maybe have a different zombie in Zombies Mode, like fat zombie, runner zombie, or another zombies like in Zombie Plague Mod. And each zombie have a different skills, like running, more damage, and more.
So, when we choose Zombies, it have a different choice.
I propose to add the ability to place one box on multiple entities, right entiti change but not as UTB map does not work as left RIGHT button and arms on the same block and will remain on
@ Yates: How? It's just gonna have fusion delay like in CS.
Smoke Grenade is a useless weapon as the game being 2D and it not covering a larger area. Adding a delay would just fuck it up even more since the most used use for it now is to throw it and hope the other team things it's a grenade.