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English Port forward not working

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old Port forward not working

Moderator Off Offline

Hello everyone,

I now ask for your advice. I've had me ports forwarded for numerous games - CS2D, Minecraft, and it all worked well until like a week ago or so. From that point in time on, despite having forwarded the ports in my router's control panel, somehow, they are blocked externally - my best guess, by Windows itself.

I've had a similar problem when I had Windows XP, but after I installed 7 in its place it all worked very well until the said week ago. Please, help me, I do not know what to do. Any questions that may help the problem solution process will be answered.

old Re: Port forward not working

User Off Offline

Check Windows Firewall. You may have it set to some setting which blocks everything. Also, you haven't said you have a static IP address, if you don't, the local IP of your computer may have changed and your router doesn't know to send the packets to your computer.
If you do have a static IP and Windows Firewall isn't doing anything, then try to look at all of your router's settings.

old Re: Port forward not working

Admin On Online

this can also easily be caused by DHCP assigning another local IP to your system. this can only happen if there are multiple PCs connected to your router and if you are using DHCP (which is standard for most routers).
make sure that the forwarding settings are for the local IP of your PC and not for the local IP of another PC (because then your router would forward all that stuff to that other PC...)

old Re: Port forward not working

User Off Offline

user DC has written
this can also easily be caused by DHCP assigning another local IP to your system. this can only happen if there are multiple PCs connected to your router and if you are using DHCP (which is standard for most routers).
make sure that the forwarding settings are for the local IP of your PC and not for the local IP of another PC (because then your router would forward all that stuff to that other PC...)
Long-winded way of saying what I said about the static IP

old Re: Port forward not working


I'm having this problem aswell sometimes, it sucks that I have to change the numbers up everytime. I wish sometime in the future this will be handled automatically. Maybe a DHCP detection system that detects a previous identical MAC-adress and or Computer Name then sets the new number to the same device, so that there's no need to manually change it. Too bad it's not found in many routers today. At least I haven't seen it yet.

Perhaps this should be a optional feature in the future routers. Because I often need to change the numbers when I move to different locations. Ah well, it's good that it's possible to port forward at least.

old Re: Port forward not working

User Off Offline

EngiN33R, do you turn off the router/computers when you aren't using them? Most routers either re-assign a 'local' IP address to each PC when one is disconnected or when the router is restarted.

IMO this is the most likely cause of your problem..

old Re: Port forward not working

User Off Offline

No.. not really. Unless you make sure you turn on the PC you are hosting from before all the others and then forward to the next possible IP. ( router -> is next IP )

old Re: Port forward not working

User Off Offline

user DannyDeth has written
No.. not really. Unless you make sure you turn on the PC you are hosting from before all the others and then forward to the next possible IP. ( router -> is next IP )

He said he has a static IP, which means his local IP will always be or whatever, the router doesn't assign it.
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