sr but i coppy script and used
no error !!!
tkx for script
addhook("say","membersay") function membersay(id,t) if (player(id,"15476") == USID) then if t=="rank" then return 0 else msg("©212121023"..player(id,"name").." (Clan Member): "..t) return 1 end elseif (player(id,"15476") == USID) then if t=="rank" then return 0 else msg("©212121023"..player(id,"name").." (Clan Member): "..t) return 1 end end end
addhook("say","membersay") function membersay(id,t) if (player(id,"usgn") == 15476) then if t=="rank" then return 0 else msg("©212121023"..player(id,"name").." (Clan Member): "..t) return 1 end elseif (player(id,"usgn") == 15476) then if t=="rank" then return 0 else msg("©212121023"..player(id,"name").." (Clan Member): "..t) return 1 end end end
player(id,"usgn") == 15476
function initArray(m) 	local array = {} 	for i = 1, m do 		array[i]=0 	end 	return array end kamikaze=initArray(32) addhook("serveraction","kamikaze_button") function kamikaze_button(id,action) 	if action == 1 then 		kamikaze[id]=1 		parse("speedmod "" 12") 	end end addhook("second","kamikaze_timer") function kamikaze_timer(id) 	if kamikaze[id] == 1 then 		msg2(id,"3@C") 		kamikaze[id]=2 	elseif kamikaze[id] == 2 then 		msg2(id,"2@C") 		kamikaze[id]=3 	elseif kamikaze[id] == 3 then 		msg2(id,"1@C") 		kamikaze[id]=4 	elseif kamikaze[id] == 4 then 		msg(""..player(id,"name").." Uses KAMIKAZE!!!") 		msg2(id,"EXPLOSION!!!@C") 		parse("explosion "..player(id,"x").." "..player(id,"y").." 100 9999 " 		kamikaze[id]=0 	end end
function initArray(m) local array = {} for i = 1, m do array[i]=0 end return array end kamikaze=initArray(32) addhook("serveraction","kamikaze_button") function kamikaze_button(id,action) if action == 1 then kamikaze[id]=1 parse("speedmod "" 12") end end addhook("second","kamikaze_timer") function kamikaze_timer() for i = 1, 32 do if kamikaze[i] == 1 then msg2(i,"3@C") kamikaze[i]=2 elseif kamikaze[i] == 2 then msg2(i,"2@C") kamikaze[i]=3 elseif kamikaze[i] == 3 then msg2(i,"1@C") kamikaze[i]=4 elseif kamikaze[i] == 4 then msg(""..player(i,"name").." Uses KAMIKAZE!!!") msg2(i,"EXPLOSION!!!@C") parse("explosion "..player(i,"x").." "..player(i,"y").." 100 9999 "..i) kamikaze[i]=0 end end end
addhook("say","images") function membersay(id,t) if (player(id,"usgn") == 13922) then if t=="!Vip" then
if (txt == "!remove") then 		freeimage(id) end
if (action == 1) then -- 1 mean for F2/serveraction1 		freeimage(id) end
addhook ("serveraction","ser") function ser(id,ac) if ac==2 then Picense(id) end end function Picense(id) menu (id,"License Menu,Set pos,Go pos,drop armor") end addhook ("menu","License") function License(id,menu,sel) if (menu=="License Menu") then if sel>=1 and sel<=3 then Picense(id) end if sel==1 then posx[id]=player(id,"x") posy[id]=player(id,"y") msg2(id,"©000255000Your saved spawnpoint is x:"..posx[id].." y:"..posy[id].." now!@C") elseif sel==2 and posy[id]==0 and posx[id]==0 then msg2(id,"©000255000 You don't have Position") else parse ("setpos "" "..posx[id].." "..posy[id]) 	 elseif sel==3 and posy[id]==0 and posx[id]==0 then msg2(id,"©000255000 You don't @@") 	 end 	end end elseif sel==9 and collect[id]==0 then msg2(id,"©000255000Togle Spawn(ON)") collect[id]=1 elseif sel==9 and collect[id]==1 and license[id]==1 then msg2(id,"©000255000Togle Spawn(OFF)") collect[id]=0 	 elseif sel==9 and posy[id]==0 and posx[id]==0 and license[id]==1 then 		 msg2(id,"©000255000You don't have position") end end addhook("walkover","license_collect") function license_collect(id) if collect[id]==1 then return 1 elseif collect[id]==0 then return 0 end end
addhook("second","EXPsecond") function EXPsecond() 	updateTime() 	for _, id in ipairs(player(0, 'table')) do 		iterator[id] = iterator[id] + 1 		if player(id, 'health') > 0 and PLAYERS[id] then 			setscore(id, PLAYERS[id].Level) 			setdeaths(id, id) 		end 		if PLAYERS[id] and PLAYERS[id].x then 			local tile = gettile(PLAYERS[id].x, PLAYERS[id].y) 			if tile.HEAL and ((tile.HEAL > 0 and tile.HOUSE) or (tile.HEAL < 0 and not tile.SAFE)) and PLAYERS[id].tmp.hp > PLAYERS[id].HP then 				PLAYERS[id].HP = player(id, "health") + math.min(10, tile.HEAL) 				sethealth(id, PLAYERS[id].HP) 			end 		end 	if iterator[id] == 2 then 		if PLAYERS[id].Class then 			if PLAYERS[id].Class == "Magician" then 				if PLAYERS[id].Mana < 100 then 					PLAYERS[id].Mana = PLAYERS[id].Mana + 10 				end 			else 				if PLAYERS[id].Mana < 100 then 					PLAYERS[id].Mana = PLAYERS[id].Mana + 1 				end 			end 			updateHUD(id) 			end 			iterator[id] = 0 		end 	end end
addhook("second","kamikaze_timer") function kamikaze_timer() for i = 1, 32 do if kamikaze[i] == 1 then kamikaze[i]=2 parse('effect "smoke" ' ..player(i,"x").. ' ' ..player(i,"y").. ' 50 200 0 25 255') elseif kamikaze[i] == 2 then kamikaze[i]=3 parse('effect "smoke" ' ..player(i,"x").. ' ' ..player(i,"y").. ' 50 200 0 25 255') elseif kamikaze[i] == 3 then kamikaze[i]=4 parse('effect "smoke" ' ..player(i,"x").. ' ' ..player(i,"y").. ' 50 200 0 25 255') elseif kamikaze[i] == 4 then parse('effect "smoke" ' ..player(i,"x").. ' ' ..player(i,"y").. ' 50 200 0 25 255') kamikaze[i]=0 x=player(i,"x") y=player(i,"y") parse("spawnitem 68 "..(x-32).." "..(y-32)) end end end