Hi everyone, I am creating new Role Play (real life) project. Not just simple map with few triggers and simple lua scripts. It will have own database with saved stats on USGN user, inventory system, that contains simple and original items like flashligt or drugs.
Creating will be better, if you suggest unique things for my mod.
Script progress (to v. 1.0): about 50%
Gameplay mod: DeathMatch
Need to play: USGN user and dedicated server.
New chatting!(configurable)
Level and xp!(configurable / can be disabled)
Jobs and promotion!(configurable / promotion can be disabled)
Banking and new money system!(configurable)
House renting!(configurable in map lua files)
Inventory system!(still not scripted)
Administrating functions!(to avoid hackers! / still scripting)
Time and weather!(configurable)
Saveing system!(configurable / still working on this)
Other things! (YOUR suggestions and my new ideas)
For big map, there should be an area chat script, like weiwen's one for Tibia RPG. And posibility for players to buy cell phone for whisper with another player and radio for global chat.
Real life chatting by AQ:
..(10%)Cell phone to buy (to call police or send message to friend);
.. (90%) Radio device with radio channels, that only people in same radio channel can hear;
.. (70%) Role play commands, like !me or !s (shout);
.. Global chat, that admins (Requires USGN) can enable/disable.
there wont be faction chat. You could chat via radio, there will be about 999 channels. And about DM. There will be not easy to get a pistol and hard to get a primary weapon (but you could change weapons cost). Thats why there wont be DM'ing. Also knife damage will be lowered.
I need fully working inventory system, I think you can do that
New things that I added:
Job system, with configurable payments, promotion, that avoid job changers and that only police officers can join to CT.
Time system, like in GTA games with week days, maybe I will add months, that would be disabled.
New money system, that you can: change holding money size, change items Coins, Money, Gold values.
And other minor things.
Also I will add FULLY working faction system, banking system that you can borrow or transfer to others money and realistic weaponry system, bullets system (I think I know how to do that).
Can u add the real farm that people have to work to make money? use trigger in map editor or use commands like !pullingplow and get milk from the cow like !getmilk,....
p/s:And i think the car script would be awesome but can u make the car cannot enter the house, building ? and make car buying too... (i know its hard :D)
maybe I will add your farm. If I would add cars, then that cars couldnt drive off roads. Furthermore, this script wont be made for one map. I am trying to make a script working on special rp maps.
Another idea: If it's going to happen on one big map, there should be keys for houses, so if someone buys a house for big sum it's his until he won't unrent it. Like in weiwen' Tibia mod Housing.
For now I am trying to make huge first map for my RolePlay mod. There would be two towns, forest, maybe places for camps, some easter eggs for fun, housing system, that I will script. If you have good tilesets or sprites send PM to me. I will create realistic enviroment as I could create. Oh I forgot to tell that my mod contains a file, there you can change mod texts, for better English or something else.
I'd recommend to leave out a car mod if you want this thing to be realistic.
I'm sorry, I find car mods simply ruin the experience. We tested with cars on our server months back and quickly came to the conclusion that we'd never put the crap in our RP.
They just don't fit in, but I would like to see the result if you added them and felt that they did.
Real life chatting by AQ:
..(10%)Cell phone to buy (to call police or send message to friend);
.. (90%) Radio device with radio channels, that only people in same radio channel can hear;