a = 5 if (a==4) or (a==6) then print("hi") end
Woud be right or?
a = 5 if (a==4) or (a==6) then print("hi") end
function math.round(n) 	a = math.floor(n) + 0.5 	if a > n then 		return math.floor(n)	 	elseif a <= n then 		return math.ceil(n) 	end end
addhook("say","hi") function hi(id,txt) if (txt == "!Hi") then print("memememememe") return 1 end end addhook("say","hi2") function hi2(id,txt) if (txt == "!Hi2") then print("ememememememe") return 1 end end
if txt=="!Hi" then 	--Stuff elseif txt=="!Hi2" then 	--Stuff end
table_num = {1,4,2,5} table.remove([b]table_num, 2[/b])
if player(id,"deaths") == 0 and player(id,"score") > 0 then 	KpD = player(id,"score") elseif player(id,"deaths") == 0 then 	KpD = 0 else 	KpD = tostring(player(id,"score")/player(id,"deaths")) 	if string.len(KpD) > 4 then 		KpD = string.sub(KpD,1,4) 	end end parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 7 "©000255000KpD: '..KpD..' " 5 157')		--Remember that this is my position (5 157) use your own!
addhook("kill","akd_hud_kill") function akd_hud_kill(killer,weapon) 	-- Knife-Kills 	KK = 0 	if (weapon==50) then 		KK = KK + 1 		parse('hudtxt2 '..killer..' 5 "©000255000Knife-kills: '..KK..' " 5 170') 	end 	parse('hudtxt2 '..killer..' 5 "©000255000Knife-kills: '..KK..' " 5 170') end
addhook("always","akd_hud") function akd_hud() addhook("kill","akd_hud_kill") function akd_hud_kill(killer,weapon) 	-- Knife-Kills 	KK = 0 	if (weapon==50) then 		KK = KK + 1 		parse('hudtxt2 '..killer..' 5 "©000255000Knife-kills: '..KK..' " 5 170') 	end 	parse('hudtxt2 '..killer..' 5 "©000255000Knife-kills: '..KK..' " 5 170') end end
addhook("say","YOUR_NAME_HERE") function YOUR_NAME_HERE(id,txt) 	if (txt=="!NOFOG") then 		--The fog code here. (: 	end end
addhook("say","YOUR_NAME_HERE") function YOUR_NAME_HERE(id,txt) 	if (txt=="!NOFOG") then 		parse("sv_fow 0") --"fow" means "Fog of war" 	end end
addhook("say","YOUR_NAME_HERE") function YOUR_NAME_HERE(id,txt) 	if (txt=="!FOG") then 		if (sv_fow==0) then 			parse("sv_fow 1") --"fow" means "Fog of war" 		else 			parse("sv_fow 0") 		end 	end end