I do not know much of Lua's, I'm a newbie
Sorry for my English
function initArray(m) 	local array = {} 	for i = 1, m do 		array[i]=0 	end 	return array end team.p = initArray(32) addhook("team","tAdmin") function tAdmin(id,team,look) local i 	for i = 1,32 do if not (player(id,"usgn") == 00000) then 	if (player(i,"exists") then 		teamchange = (look i 1) 		if (teamchange == true) then 		return 1 		else 		return 0 		end 	end end
function toTable(t,match) local cmd = {} if not match then match = "[^%s]+" else match = "[^"..match.."]+" end for word in string.gmatch(t, match) do table.insert(cmd, word) end return cmd end addhook("say","give_money_cmd") function give_money_cmd(id, text) local ptxt = toTable(text) if ptxt[1] == "!give" and #ptxt == 3 then local rcvp = tonumber(ptxt[2]) local rcvm = tonumber(ptxt[3]) if player(rcvp,"exists") then if player(id,"money") >= rcvm then if player(rcvp,"money") + rcvm <= 16000 then parse("setmoney "..id.." "..player(id,"money")-rcvm) parse("setmoney "..rcvp.." "..player(rcvp,"money")+rcvm) elseif player(rcvp,"money") < 16000 then rcvm = 16000 - player(rcvp,"money") --Here parse("setmoney "..id.." "..player(id,"money")-rcvm) parse("setmoney "..rcvp.." "..player(rcvp,"money")+rcvm) end end end end end
function toTable(t,match) 	local cmd = {} 	if not match then 		match = "[^%s]+" 	else 		match = "[^"..match.."]+" 	end 	for word in string.gmatch(t, match) do 		table.insert(cmd, word) 	end 	return cmd end addhook("say","give_money_cmd") function give_money_cmd(id, text) 	local ptxt = toTable(text) 	if ptxt[1] == "!give" and #ptxt == 3 then 		local rcvp = tonumber(ptxt[2]) 		local rcvm = math.abs(tonumber(ptxt[3])) 		if player(rcvp,"exists") then 			if player(id,"money") >= rcvm then 				if player(rcvp,"money") + rcvm <= 16000 then	 					parse("setmoney "..id.." "..player(id,"money")-rcvm) 					parse("setmoney "..rcvp.." "..player(rcvp,"money")+rcvm) 				elseif player(rcvp,"money") < 16000 then 					rcvm = 16000 - player(rcvp,"money") --Here 					parse("setmoney "..id.." "..player(id,"money")-rcvm) 					parse("setmoney "..rcvp.." "..player(rcvp,"money")+rcvm) 				end 			end 		end 	end end
function toTable(t,match) 	local cmd = {} 	if not match then 		match = "[^%s]+" 	else 		match = "[^"..match.."]+" 	end 	for word in string.gmatch(t, match) do 		table.insert(cmd, word) 	end 	return cmd end addhook("say","give_money_cmd") function give_money_cmd(id, text) 	local ptxt = toTable(text) 	if ptxt[1] == "!give" and #ptxt == 3 then 		local rcvp = tonumber(ptxt[2]) 		local rcvm = math.abs(tonumber(ptxt[3])) 		if player(rcvp,"exists") then 			if player(id,"money") >= rcvm then 				if player(rcvp,"money") + rcvm <= 16000 then	 					parse("setmoney "..id.." "..player(id,"money")-rcvm) 					parse("setmoney "..rcvp.." "..player(rcvp,"money")+rcvm) 				elseif player(rcvp,"money") < 16000 then 					rcvm = 16000 - player(rcvp,"money") --Here 					parse("setmoney "..id.." "..player(id,"money")-rcvm) 					parse("setmoney "..rcvp.." "..player(rcvp,"money")+rcvm) 				end 			end 		end 	end end
-------------------------------------------------------- -- Some Tricks By Blazzing -- Blazz Library: 16th - Snowy Day! -- 2009/12/01 - v1.2 -------------------------------------------------------- snow = {["y"] = {},["x"] = {}, ["size"] = {}, ["move"] = {}, ["pos"] = {}, ["speed"] = {}, ["img"] = {}} hooks = {[[startround]],[[always]]} block = nil snow_count = 340 snow_wind = 0 local hook for hook = 1, #hooks, 1 do 	addhook(hooks[hook],[[blazz_]]..hooks[hook]) end function blazz_startround() 	local id 	math.randomseed(os.time()) 	block = image([[gfx/splash.bmp]],0,0,2) 	imagepos(block,320,240,0) 	imagecolor(block,0,0,0) 	for id = 1, snow_count, 1 do 		blazz_snow_set(id) 		snow.img[id] = image([[gfx/sprites/snowflake.bmp]],0,0,2) 		imagepos(snow.img[id],snow.x[id],snow.y[id],0) 		imagecolor(snow.img[id],255,255,255) 		imageblend(snow.img[id],1) 		imagealpha(snow.img[id],0.9) 		imagescale(snow.img[id],snow.size[id],snow.size[id]) 	end end function blazz_always() 	local id, n 	snow_wind = snow_wind + 3 	if (snow_wind > 360) then snow_wind = snow_wind - 360 end 	for id,n in pairs(snow.img) do 		snow.y[id] = snow.y[id] + snow.speed[id] 		snow.x[id] = snow.x[id] + (math.sin(math.rad(snow_wind + snow.pos[id])) * snow.move[id]) 		imagepos(snow.img[id],snow.x[id],snow.y[id],0) 		if (snow.y[id] > 490) then blazz_snow_set(id) end 	end end function blazz_snow_set(id) 	snow.x[id] = math.random(10,630) 	snow.y[id] = math.random(-480,0) 	snow.size[id] = (math.random(5,10) / 10) 	snow.pos[id] = math.random(1,45) 	snow.speed[id] = math.random(1,2) 	snow.move[id] = math.random(2,3) end blazz_startround()