I shot you D:<SANTER User Offline 05.09.10 12:45:01 am my spraylogo Approved by Seekay (04.12.15 01:23 am) Download 404 b, 1,383 Downloads
Nahuelpet User Offline 14.03.11 10:26:36 pm Good spray , but need a good title and more description I like it!
freed is good User Offline 01.02.11 10:54:27 pm filename: I shot him Description: my spray logo but what does that mean?
Nice.cloudboys User Offline 31.01.11 10:37:47 pm So far so good and u made a good spray! 5/5. I like it!
KimKat GAME BANNED Offline 29.01.11 05:03:48 pm This would cause annoyance to the players in servers who are in it for the KpD(kills per death). Add more sprays whenever you can because I liked this one, good work. I like it!
StirlizZ-Fapicon Super User Offline 04.10.10 11:04:31 pm Silence! I`m shot you...ooops, i shot you again... I like it!
Aether User Offline 05.09.10 06:19:01 pm Oh, it's I shot you, not I kill you, Well, whatever, it's awesome. Thou shall make moar. I like it!