made by Heavy / Dark Soul (6681)
Note: This is a rewritten and improved version of my previous poll script.
This script allows you to create custom polls and let the players vote.
You may take a look on this code for education purposes.
You are not allowed to claim this as your own.
You shouldn't change the code unless you know what you are doing.
Console commands:
xpoll "title" "button1,button2,button3..."
xpoll delete/reset
xpoll help
xpoll config
Features / Changes:
Show which player voted what.
Ability to extend time when its over
Takes up to nine options
A little help thing in console (xpoll help)
Major clean ups (compared to the last pollscript)
Configurable. Just look inside the lua file.
Configuration menu! (xpoll config)
More in the future.
edited 15×, last 19.06.21 03:21:37 pm
Approved by Infinite Rain
3 kb, 1,406 Downloads