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English (zm) Fallen bridge >

14 comments4.17 mb, 535 Downloads

old (zm) Fallen bridge

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The bunker has fall,and after 24 hours the bridge has fall too.You survived zombie attack for moment,but hiding is not going to save you,take your weapons and defeat the undead army,even if they was you team or your friends.Try to escape and call the rescue team.No one survives alone!

Zombies: You are infected,kill all survivors before they escape!
Survivors: Run for you life!

This is just a new map (zm)
There can be new versions
This map continues the story of fallen bunker (another zm map)

What is new on this map (Improvements √ )
Improvements >

Credits >

√ You can edit map,but first ask me.


And don't forget to leave any idea
edited 1×, last 28.07.16 05:27:41 pm
Approved by GeoB99

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4.17 mb, 535 Downloads


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It's been a long time since I made it
So I am not sure if it's working properly


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There's a bit too much decoration on this one, i suggest improvement on grammar.

You know What it said ?
Failed to load map

@user Ultimater: Why did you come play CS2D with an infected computer if you're saying that your PC has a "bug"?


crazy junkman Wolfgang
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@user sonkii: that's actually pretty good idea there, about team gate i mean... and i realised, to prevent camping (which would obviously be done in this map) one could add env_hurt on delay, and add some cr*p like "you must move or toxic gas will kill you"
I like it!


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@user Baloon: I dont understand what are you talking about.ZMs maps still need balanced.Still,hordes of zombies can kill cts.I dont think so to balance this map except humans camp their spawn.

Create a zombie teamgate.

I like it!


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atleast it better than your other. More sprites, details.
But you should improve some shadows, like ine 2-nd and 4-th screens - for stairs and custom objects.
I like it!


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Not bad,I am learned with this.
I think map is full of decorations. (maybe I will put more decorations)
Anyway nice ideas.



Well it's not bad as hell,

but this map needs bit improvement, add more decorations, and don't forget how will gameplay be, try to make balanced map, I think this is not well balanced map.


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I know,map looks like a horror map

I think this map is a zm map,but it is horror just like zm fallen bunker(files missing,gfx,sfx)

I am happy you like this map
(I hope you understand me,because I can't understand my self)
I think this is a escape,horror and zombie map.


crazy junkman Wolfgang
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I've tested the map and i like it, good details and good structure. But dude, i don't know what gameplay you intendet I mean, it's not deathrun, it's not zm_ map definitely, it's not even coop map (since there is no npc to shot at). I would sugest you to redesign this to horror map, because it definitely feels like a horror map.
I like it!


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Thank you


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For those who didnt know how to make a sprite shadows.
>Put a sprite with env_sprite.
>Search an image and select it and press open.
>Copy your sprites and paste it on near of the same sprite.
>Set colour to black and change transparent to 0.8.
>Uncheck the sprite hide player on a shadow (black sprite)
>Done and have a nice day.

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I like it!
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