This is my first mod which start with my own lua. It is not fully over yet, but although it already playable. At this moment, number of people who have downloaded this modification has reached over 10000.
To install and play mod:
Download zip arhive,
Unzip it to folder with your original CS2D client (It is safe for your files),
Run QA2D.bat,
Play it and enjoy!
It work for new CS2D versions but, in last versions of CS2D disabled mp_luamap
Now, this parameter is set "0" by default, so when you start server you need to change this option at "1".
Create Server->More Options->mp_luamap->0 to 1->Apply
Forum thread
Special thanks to:
shotnine (for help with lua)
JetFighter (for advices with lua)
SDKey (for help with lua)
EngiN33R (for advices with lua and server)
2D_BRO-Anubis (for help with maps.lua and tests)
FaqAp (for some skins)
SD (for idea and help with se1m7 map)
Quake-Ranger (for Quake 3 Arena TileSet (10))
Please share your cool screenshots/videos in your comments and show me bugs if there are errors or inaccuracies and send me log-files and screenshots or videos to fix it.
Thanks for your likes.
edited 65×, last 06.04.19 11:13:27 pm
Approved by Starkkz
5.12 mb, 2,114 Downloads