As it names says, you can defuse mines and laser mines with it. This script also allows you to remove enemies' portals and barbed wires. You need only wrench. Make sure you're close enough and click left mouse button on target. After some seconds mine/barbed wire/portal disappers and you get 100$.
Left button click on enemy mine/lasermine/portal/barbed wires
Wait few seconds
Get 100$
Use my script where you want under Creative Commons BY-SA License - you can edit it, develope and distribute, but add me in credits and use it under the same license.
Use my script where you want under Creative Commons BY-SA License - you can edit it, develope and distribute, but add me in credits and use it under the same license.
edited 2×, last 31.01.13 04:43:12 pm
Approved by EngiN33R
983 b, 583 Downloads