
> > CS2D > Maps > cs_bank 0.4.4

Englisch cs_bank 0.4.4 >

8 Kommentare192 kb, 433 Downloads

alt cs_bank 0.4.4

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A pretty old but good map that I found for @user Gaios: and @user Hajt:

spam Description

Counter-Terrorists must rescue hostages from Terrorists, and bring them to an extraction point. The Terrorists must prevent the hostages from escaping. If a Terrorist or Counter-Terrorist attempts to kill hostage, they will suffer a heavy cash penalty.

Map created in 2009 (maybe?). No copyright infringement intended. Credits to his owner, Jermuk

off-topic Installation

1. Download the file and then extract it.
2. Copy and paste in your CS2D folder.
3. Enjoy.
6× editiert, zuletzt 20.11.16 22:55:27
Zugelassen von Yates

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192 kb, 433 Downloads


8 Kommentare
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This good!!!
Ich mag es!


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@user Ishara:
This map is the maximum,
I missed him a lot.
From the day you uploaded it, the game appears in the list of servers.

Good job!.
Ich mag es!
1× editiert, zuletzt 09.05.17 07:39:56


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Thank you @user VADemon: I'll try to fix that, also, Thanks @user Gaios: for a proper description, tbh I used the description inside .txt file made by Jermuk.

Since @user Hajt: told me to upload this I totally forgot about you did the request lmao, let me fix the info above.


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user Hajt requested this? I thought that it was me..

Sh*t dude! thanks for uploading
A big love from me!

Also you can fix the description, because it's CS_ map instead of DE_
Counter-Terrorists must rescue hostages from Terrorists, and bring them to an extraction point. The Terrorists must prevent the hostages from escaping. If a Terrorist or Counter-Terrorist attempts to kill hostage, they will suffer a heavy cash penalty.
Ich mag es!
2× editiert, zuletzt 20.11.16 15:21:59

alt alarm_01.wav mismatch

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Thanks for uploading!
I've compared the files, they're all the same compared to my copy EXCEPT for the sfx/env/alarm_01.wav:
I got this version and I have to believe that it's the correct one, because the creation date says "‎05.03.2010, ‏‎15:24:16" which is the same for the map: "‎05.03.2010, ‏‎15:24:18", your dates do not match up however.

> It's up to downloaders to decide what to do with this knowledge.
Ich mag es!
1× editiert, zuletzt 24.05.19 21:01:15


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I love you.
Ich mag es!
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